Chicken scores the win for every meal. Whether it's breakfast, lunch, dinner, or midnight cravings, there is no such time when these fried chicken sticks dissapoint. If you're tired of spending on addictive bites of chicken sticks, give this home-cooked recipe a shot. Save your pockets and try this craving-infused recipe yourself. 

So, What are Fried Chicken Sticks?

Fried chicken sticks are crunchy, juicy, and hot twins of chicken wings. Blanketed with a rich package of spices and dipped in simmering oil, these chicken sticks can turn into a go-to recipe at half the price. Chicken sticks can be made in any one of two ways: oven or the pan. While the recipe is somewhat the same, the vessel makes quite a difference.

The ones cooked in the oven offer a more bakery-like vibe, whereas those fresh out of oil are crunchier. You can have it with a cheesy dip, mayonnaise, and schezwan sauce, or pair it with rice on the side.

In this blog, you will learn how to make fried chicken sticks using a non-stick pan. The recipe is beginner-friendly which gives finger-licking results without complex techniques.

How to Prepare Fried Chicken Sticks Using a Non-Stick Pan?

Specific to the use of a non-stick or skillet pan, this recipe will soon become your favourite. The chicken sticks are so crispy, they are sure to give a loud crunch. You can dial up or down the spiciness as per your preference. These incredible juicy chicken sticks are dazzled in a generous splash of spices and deep-fried for a sizzling exterior and a chewy core.

Drawing a resemblance with chicken kebab, this recipe strikes the ideal balance between taste and fun. Chicken in itself is a protein-packed element you can add to your diet. It offers loads of amino acids and nutrients to keep your body up and going.

So, what's the wait? Get on with this recipe for a heavenly dish of chicken sticks. Gather your ingredients and pitch in!


  • 1 Kg chicken
  • 1 tbsp garlic paste
  • Chopped curry leaves
  • 1 tbsp ginger paste
  • ½ tsp pepper powder
  • 1 tsp green chilli paste
  • 2 tbsp Kashmiri chilli powder
  • 1½ tsp coriander powder
  • 2 tbsp thick yoghurt
  • 1 tsp garam masala powder
  • 1 tsp soya sauce
  • Salt
  • 6 to 7 tbsp cornflour
  • Oil
  • Chaat masala

Recipe for Fried Chicken Sticks

  • To cook like a pro, tune into the step-by-step procedure given below and enjoy your delicious fried chicken sticks.
  • Cut the chicken pieces into strips. Proceed to rinse the chicken sticks and clean it thoroughly.
  • Grab a mixing bowl and throw the chicken sticks in it.
  • Here comes the part where you add 1 tbsp garlic paste, chopped curry leaves, 1 tbsp ginger paste, ½ tsp pepper powder, 1 tsp green chilli paste, 2 tbsp Kashmiri chilli powder, 1½ tsp coriander powder, 2 tbsp thick yoghurt, 1 tsp garam masala powder, 1 tsp soya sauce, and salt. Using your hands, mix the spices with the chicken sticks well.
  • Let it marinate in the refrigerator for the next two hours.
  • Cornflour makes the chicken strips crispier, so add it generously to coat all the sticks.
  • Take your non-stick pan and pour oil in it.
  • When the oil comes to a boil, switch the flame to medium to high then drop the chicken sticks carefully.
  • Flip it once the sticks turn golden brown. 
  • Grab a few paper towels or tissues to drain the oil from the chicken sticks.
  • For flavorful bites, drizzle in a pinch of chaat masala once its served on the platter.
  • Side it with some lemon wedges and onions for taste.

Tips for Making Fried Chicken Sticks

  • It's important to nail the details for a recipe to work for you and blend to your taste. Here are a few tips to help you achieve the perfect fried chicken sticks.
  • Wash the chicken sticks immaculately. Clean it and make sure that the chicken doesn't hold much water before marinating. This is so that the masala coating is firm and well-laid.
  • Make use of thick curd or hung curd for marinating. It makes the chicken sticks juicer and preserves its freshness.
  • Do not rush it if you want to land with a scrumptious platter of fried chicken sticks. Allow it 2 hours to marinate before letting the fun part begin.
  • Once marinated, let the chicken strips sit out for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Moderate the spices according to your preference.
  • Ensure that the oil is well heated before frying the sticks.
  • Fry the chicken sticks in several batches to do it right.
  • Include every ingredient mentioned in the recipe for an all-rounder taste.

Wrapping Up

Whether it's a backlog of work, restless midnights, or rainy weather, these fried chicken sticks will help you get through it. It is a binge-worthy recipe that will get you hooked instantly. Give it a shot and share this recipe with your family and friends. You can pair it with dal rice and khichdi for a full course meal.