The Indian blackberry, known as jamun, was formerly referred to as the "fruit of the Gods," and with good cause, in our opinion. Jamuns are unquestionably the summer fruit you should be savouring due to its sweet and tart flavour, cooling characteristics, and abundance of minerals. Thisurple fruit is a great small snack because it is low in calories and is densely packed with many nutrients, including antioxidants, flavonoids, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and even protein. Its composition makes it a fruit with an abundance of water, making it the ideal summer snack to beat the oppressive heat. 

The low-calorie count of this tiny purple fruit makes it a great small snack. Being filled with several nutrients, including protein, antioxidants, flavonoids, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, it is the ideal summer snack to fend off the oppressive heat. Because it contains a lot of vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B6, as well as vitamin C, which lowers free radicals in the body, this fruit also aids in boosting immunity. Given the numerous benefits of this savoury fruit, including it in your summertime diet is a must. Try these delicious jamun dishes instead if you don't feel like popping whole jamuns as a treat. 

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Jamun Punch 


10 to 12 jamuns, deseeded 

14 to 16 lemonade ice cubes 

Method: Put jamuns in a blender and process until you get a smooth puree. To the blender, add the lemonade ice cubes . Garnish with a sprig of mint and serve cold. 

Jamun Ice cream 


180 g jamuns 

250 gm condensed milk 

250 ml full-fat fresh cream, chilled 

Method: The jamuns are deseeded and roughly chopped. Use a blender to process into a paste, then set aside. Mix the cream for one minute in your blender. Blend the condensed milk for two to three minutes before adding the jamun pulp (reserving three tablespoons for later). Purple, creamy, and thick should all characterize the combination. In an airtight container, freeze this mixture for six hours. After that, take it out of the freezer and blend it for a minute or until it's completely smooth. To achieve an ice-cream-like smooth and creamy texture, freeze it again for six hours, then mix it again. The final ice cream mixture should be added to the reserved jamun puree, churned, and then poured into a mould and placed in the freezer for 12 hours or until solid. When finished, carefully unmould and savour.

Jamun Salad 


1 Mango  

1 cup Jamun  

1/2 Cucumber, peeled 

1 to 2 tsp Chilli flakes  

1 tbsp Extra virgin olive oil  

2 tsp Lemon juice  

Salt, to taste 

Method: Mango and cucumber should be peeled and chopped, while jamun should be deseeded and chopped. In a bowl, combine them all. Pour the dressing over the chopped fruit and vegetables after combining the remaining ingredients. Refrigerate to cool before serving. jamun