November 2 marks the King Khan of Bollywood's birthday. Yes, the mention is of Shah Rukh Khan or SRK. From his boy-next-door charm to a mature look as a seasoned man, SRK has been a heartthrob throughout. With his immaculate acting, captivating dialogue delivery, and witty and articulate talks off-screen to his persona, there isn't any aspect which hasn't smitten us. One is also bound to praise his physical transformation and more chiselled body later in his career. He knows how to woo his fans. But as the adage goes, "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Does it hold true for him? Let's find out what makes the King of B-town drool and crave as he sets to celebrate his birthday. 

Dil hai Hindustani

King Khan doesn't hesitate to experiment with new food or cuisine. Butter chicken and dal are two of the actor's favourite Indian foods. Nevertheless, he swears that a great Indian spread is unrivalled. His heart goes for home-cooked food. Likewise, he enjoys tandoori chicken and says it is his comfort food; Mr Khan once confessed that he can live on it 365 days. 

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Tandoori chicken, Image Source: Freepik

In an interview, he revealed that his daily diet mostly has egg whites, orange juice, a serving of tandoori chicken, and mutton. To engage with his fans, the superstar frequently conducts #AskSRK sessions on Twitter. During one session, the actor admitted that his favourite meals are daal, rice, and onions, and he can survive on them for the rest of his life.

A palate developed by his parents

His parent, Mir Taj Mohammed Khan and Fatima, were restaurateurs in New Delhi. And were great cooks. Even when SRK was 26, his mother used to mix the food and feed him. And that's a habit he couldn't outgrow. And thus, he feels uncomfortable dining out, also beside getting perplexed feels the taste of the food cooked by his parents is unmatched. 

Coffee lover

Black coffee, Image Source: Unsplash

It's no secret that SRK enjoys black coffee. The celebrity occasionally consumes 30 glasses every day. He doesn't add any sugar. In fact, once, he confessed to carrying his Nespresso machine across the globe. He further added that if he doesn't have coffee, he either feels crabby or lethargic and, thus, sleeps instead. 

Go gaga over Italian grub

Chicken pizza with beer, Image Source: Pexels

The actor is well renowned for his passion for fine cuisine. Pizza Khan, a self-described pizza enthusiast, even started his own pizzeria in Mumbai. The actor claims that chicken is his favourite pizza topping, and he enjoys this dish with chilled beer. He is equally fond of spaghetti carbonara, which he frequently eats while sipping red wine. The actor has also indulged in pasta meals that are a bit more out-of-the-ordinary, like squid ink spaghetti and truffle pasta.

Sushi makes ideal snacks

A platter of sushi, Image Source: Pexels

Sushi is King Khan's favourite food. He frequently picks it as a quick snack. The actor claims to enjoy sushi's freshness. Additionally, he is astounded by the variety of variations that exist. At times it gets puzzling for him to choose the best one.

Meals to get Pathaan perfect

SRK training for movie, Image Source: Instagram/ Alamy

Shah Rukh Khan, who already has a lean physique, could reduce his body fat percentage and get shredded eight-pack abs. He has crafted an envious body for his forthcoming film, Pathaan. SRK divides his daily caloric intake into several small meals while preparing for this movie. He eats foods high in protein and pre-workout snacks made of carbohydrates. After a strenuous workout, he consumes a protein drink. His diet includes non-fat milk, skinless chicken, egg whites, lentils, and lean meat cuts. He abstains from consuming processed grains like white rice and bread. The regular diet also includes raw or grilled vegetables as sources of macronutrients. Refined sugar is out from his meals. Fresh fruits, water and healthy fluids such as coconut water keep him hydrated.