Sonam Kapoor is all set to welcome her first child with husband Anand Ahuja. Recently, the Bollywood star and fashionista shared the good news with her fans and followers on Instagram with some beautiful pictures of the couple and the gorgeous mom-to-be flaunting her baby bump. Since then, Sonam has been sharing bits and pieces of her pregnancy journey on social media – from her pizza cravings to her endless grub during her babymoon in Tuscany, Italy. Recently, Sonam was in Paris with her sister Rhea and husband Anand Ahuja for her birthday, and that too was no less than a stellar food parade.  

Now, as they’ve returned to London, the parents-to-be hosted a grand baby shower, and given how Sonam is a self-confessed foodie, you can imagine that the party must’ve been a paradise for both food and fashion lovers. It indeed was, and we’ve got proof. The Kapoor sisters, besides other guests at the baby shower, took to their respective Instagram handles to share some lovely pictures and videos from the party including the beautiful outdoor setup and a customised, handwritten menu.  

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The beautiful outdoor table was decorated with flowers, chic cutlery and pastel colour combination. But the beautiful menu card actually stole our attention, not just for what was on the menu but how it was custom-made for each guest, with their name on it. A round hand-painted menu, with a bib-shaped napkin on the top, the table also had hand-painted tablecloth next to each guest’s menu, and was filled with pies for dessert. Now let’s find out what was on the menu: 

From hand-dived scallop carpaccio and tagliarini to whole grilled fish and caponata, the menu for Sonam’s baby shower was Italian cuisine at its finest. It was finished off with tiramisu and lemon tart. Quite a lavish affair, isn’t it? Looks like the actor has taken inspiration from her recent trip to Italy, where she gorged on pasta and many sweet treats. Well, we are already craving some tagliarini just reading about it. A type of ribbon pasta, similar to spaghetti, tagliarini can be a perfect dinner option to go with a glass of white wine. Click here for the recipe. 

Coming back to Sonam’s lovely baby shower, the guests could not stop gushing over the beautiful affair. One of the guests - Dr Maryam Zamani - too shared a picture of the menu and wrote, “The chicest baby lunch.” Several other guests too shared similar pictures. A guest wrote, “Beautiful baby shower.” Another guest captioned, “The most extraordinary baby shower to celebrate gorgeous mama to be.” 

In one of Rhea’s Instagram stories, we could also get a close view of the table setup with tart, biscottis, cherries, flowers, and more. Take a look: 

The lunch setup looked all things dreamy and yummy, what do you think?