To get started, purchase ginger root from your local grocery store. Plant these root chunks just below the surface of a pot filled with nutrient-rich potting mix. Water the soil to keep it moist but not soaked. Place the pot somewhere that gets partial sunlight. Over the next 8–10 months, you'll begin to see shoots and leaves emerge as the roots develop into full ginger plants. Apply liquid fertiliser every few weeks to nourish the plants. As the roots mature, the shoots will become lush and green.    

Health Benefits Of Ginger  

Its anti-inflammatory properties help relieve joint pain and arthritis by reducing swelling and soreness. Ginger acts as a digestive aid by soothing nausea, easing indigestion, and promoting healthy digestion. It can prevent motion sickness and morning sickness thanks to its anti-nausea effects. As per the National Library of Medicine, ginger, as an antioxidant, boosts the immune system to fight illness. 

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Ginger may also contribute to heart health by improving circulation. As per the National Library of Medicine, preliminary research suggests ginger may have anti-cancer abilities as well. Its expectorant properties clear mucus and phlegm to support respiratory health. Also, ginger provides relief from menstrual cramps and discomfort during menstruation. With its diverse therapeutic benefits, ginger is a valuable herbal remedy.  

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Steps For Growing Ginger At Home  

Part 1: Planting Ginger  

Purchasing The Root 

To grow your own ginger plant at home, first purchase a fresh ginger root from the grocery store. Look for one that is at least 5 inches long with visible buds along the sides. Once home, use a sharp knife to carefully cut the ginger root into 1-1.5-inch chunks, making sure each piece has a bud. Leave the cut chunks out on the counter for 2–3 days, which allows a protective callous to form over the cut sections.    

Planting Ginger Root  

Start by obtaining fresh ginger root chunks that have several well-developed growth buds. Select a roomy clay pot, at least 12 inches wide and deep, to give the ginger plenty of space to expand its tuberous roots. Fill the pot almost to the brim with a rich potting mix amended with compost or mulch to provide nutrients. Bury the ginger chunks 2 inches under the soil surface, laying them horizontally to maximise upward growth. Water the ginger regularly to keep the soil consistently moist. 

Image credit: Freepik  

Placing Of The Pot 

A ginger plant requires a bright, warm environment. Set the pot in a sunny window or patio that receives a few hours of direct rays each afternoon when the sun is strongest. Ginger prefers steady warmth around room temperature without extreme heat or cold.   

Part 2 - Growing Ginger  

The Soil 

Keeping the soil moist, but not soggy, is crucial for the health of your plants. Check the soil every day by sticking your finger in the top few inches. If it feels dry and crumbly, it's time to water it. Pour water slowly over the soil until it drains freely from the bottom of the pot. Allow excess water to drain away before returning the plant to its saucer. Soggy, waterlogged soil can quickly lead to rotted roots and dying plants. If water stands for more than a few hours, reduce the watering frequency or repot it in a container with better drainage.   

Image credit: Freepik

Fertilizing The Soil 

After planting the ginger rhizome just below the soil surface, it may take 3–8 weeks for the first tender sprouts to emerge. Apply a liquid fertiliser diluted per package instructions every 3 weeks. Regular feedings of nutrient-rich fertiliser will fuel the ginger's growth, helping the shoots grow tall and strong. For outdoor ginger plants, also spread a thin layer of mulch over the soil after sprouting.   

Transplanting Ginger 

Ginger is a plant that can be grown indoors in pots or outdoors in the garden. When the weather warms up above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, you can transplant your potted ginger plant outside. Choose a spot in full sun with soil similar to the potting mix. 

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Bury the ginger sprouts about 3 inches deep and 12 inches apart. Water the transplanted ginger regularly. When it gets cold again, dig up the ginger shoots and plant them back in pots. Bring the pots inside for the winter. Test the pH of the soil and add fertiliser if needed to reach an ideal pH between 5.5 and 6.5.   

Part 3 - Harvesting and Propagating Ginger  


When the ginger plant is nearing maturity after 8–10 months of growth, its stems and leaves will start to dry up and turn yellow as temperatures cool in late summer or early fall. This colour change signals that the ginger rhizomes are ready to be harvested. Carefully dig up the entire plant, gently loosening the soil to pull up the whole rhizome. Mature ginger plants can reach 2–3 feet tall before dying back, so be prepared to dig deep when harvesting. Remove excess dirt but don't wash the rhizomes yet.   

Image credit: Freepik


To propagate and replant ginger, it's important to carefully trim the plant while retaining some key structures. Start by cutting away most of the shoots, leaving just a few buds behind. These buds are crucial, as they will generate new shoots and leaves, allowing the ginger plant to regrow after replanting. 

Image credit: Freepik

The shoots can be completely removed. After trimming back the shoots, you can also cut away most of the rhizome's bulk. These remaining knobs on the rhizome are like little packets of life that will fuel new plant growth after being replanted.   


After using ginger, don't discard the leftover nubs and scraps. Carefully cut these remains into chunks of 2-3 inches in size, making sure each segment contains at least one plump bud. Plant the ginger pieces in a roomy pot filled with loose, nutrient-rich potting mix. Pack the soil gently and water thoroughly. Soon, new green shoots will emerge from the buds.