As someone who wants to turn into a vegan or has just adopted the vegan lifestyle, one may come across a lot of myths and speculations regarding what one can eat or not. Such stereotypes have caused a great deal of confusion and spread of incorrect information among people.

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One of the most common beliefs is that vegan people only survive on raw vegetables and fruits. A common reason behind the spread of such unauthentic information is social media and the ability of people to post anything without postulating it with proper facts and research. One must not believe any such piece of advice until and unless a proper nutritionist or medical professional approves it.

Here are some common myths related to veganism that one should stay away from.

* Protein Deficiency 

One of the biggest concerns of people who want to turn into a vegan is not getting enough protein. There is a common notion that meat, especially chicken is one of the best sources of protein. Other conventional sources of protein include eggs and dairy products such as milk and Paneer. Most people believe that there are not enough plant-based sources of protein and hence turning vegan may cause immense nutritional deficiency. But there are plenty of plant-based sources of protein, including broccoli, brown, rice, lentils, pulses, seaweed, and mushrooms. One can easily fulfil their protein intake by simply consuming different plant-based sources of protein.

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* Veganism And Vegetarianism

A lot of people believe that veganism and vegetarianism are different names for the same concept. But it is wrong to call them entirely the same. Vegetarians do not consume meat or eggs. But veganism is a more intricate concept as it involves the prohibition of meat, eggs, and other dairy products such as milk, cheese, and paneer as well. Any product that has been derived from animals is banned for consumption under the concept of veganism. Vegetarians on the other hand are allowed to consume dairy products such as milk, butter, cheese, and Paneer.

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* Lack of Milk Substitutes

Soya milk is a renowned vegan alternative to cow or buffalo milk. However, the problem is that many people do not like the taste of soya milk and think that it is the only option for vegans or lactose-intolerant people. However, there is more to vegan substitutes of milk, than just soya milk. This includes coconut milk, cashew milk, rice milk, almond milk, hazelnut milk and whatnot. One has the liberty to try all these different types of milks and choose the one that they like the most. Most of these milk types can be used for all the purposes that regular cow milk can be used for.

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* All Vegan Food Is Healthy

Another misconception about veganism is that anything that falls under the vegan category is healthy for humans. Although a vegan lifestyle is certainly healthy, it does not guarantee good health. Just like in other cases, one must maintain a good diet and workout regime to remain healthy. Just because one has a vegan diet doesn't mean they can eat as many desserts or oily food as they like. Eliminating dairy and meat doesn't guarantee that one is going to have good health.

* Vegan Diet Is Expensive 

A major setback that stops people from becoming vegan is thinking that a vegan diet is overly expensive. This belief is so internalised that most people prefer becoming vegetarians rather than vegans. But a vegan diet is not at all expensive and one can find a lot of vegan options, especially in Indian cuisine. There are so many recipes such as Dosa, Sambar Vada, Idali, Dal, Poha, aloo paratha, pulao, chaap and so many more that are delicious yet vegan. One doesn't have to do anything special and buy expensive ingredients just because they have adopted a vegan lifestyle.

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* Honey Is Vegan

Most people will be shocked to know this, but indeed, honey doesn't fall in the category of a vegan-friendly diet. Bees secrete honey naturally, but that is for their consumption and not for the consumption of human beings. It is the same as cows secreting milk for their consumption and not the consumption of human beings. Hence consuming something that is meant for the animal’s self-consumption violates the principles of veganism. The industrialisation of the honey industry has led to a lot of problems in the ecosystem. It is affecting the growth of plants because of the low level of pollination by honeybees.