Online delivery services – including food deliveries, groceries, consumer goods from Amazon, will be temporarily suspended from September 8-10 in New Delhi, on account of the upcoming G20 Summit. Due to the elaborate security arrangements being reinforced by state police around the city, commercial services in the NDMC area will be imposed, along with traffic restrictions. Special Commissioner S.S. Yadav refuted claims of a potential lockdown around the city during the 72-hour period.

The advisory of the Gurugram Traffic Police also divulged that vehicular entry into the city will be restricted from midnight of September 7 to September 10 – also suggesting companies in Gurugram to issue work-from-home arrangements. The state government has also declared a public holiday from September 8-10, directing commercial establishments, business owners and shops to provide paid leave to their employees. Traffic restrictions are predicted to mainly affect the Dhaula Kuan area, as the ‘high-alert’ will have more than a lakh security personnel will be deployed to ensure the safety of world leaders.

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