The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) officially declared 500 hospital canteens as ‘Eat Right Campus’ – as part of an ongoing initiative for Eat Right India. The cause, which focusses on enabling food environments that are healthy, sustainable and safe within work spaces and institutions, also includes 100 government hospitals as a way of setting an example on ideal standards of craft service. As per the official statement, some of the hospitals include SNM Hospital in Leh, Mumbai’s Tata Memorial Hospital and Breach Candy Hospital, as well as the Baptist Hospital in Bengaluru.

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The list also includes the District Women’s Hospital in Varanasi, Kalimpong Hospital, BLK Max Hospital and Lok Nayak Hospital in Darjeeling and the Fortis Hospital in Delhi. Over 50 sadar (district) hospitals have also made it to the list of workplaces that have availed certification. The process of obtaining the certificate includes following the detailed criteria to evaluate and audit four crucial parameters – food safety measures, steps undertaken to make provision for nutritious food and the efforts to raise awareness amongst the community about the importance of making conscious food choices.

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The new list of 500 work spaces will be part of a 2400-strong list of places across India, which have taken to the initiative. Spearheaded by the food safety regulator, the initiative also enables in helping educate people in work spaces about food-borne diseases, nutritional deficiencies, non-communicable diseases and promoting overall socio-economic development. With a special focus on preventive healthcare, Eat Right India aims to collaborate, empower and advance public health to improve quality of life. Using a ‘settings-based approach for workplaces, the campuses eligible for certification include colleges, universities, hospitals, offices, jails and tea estates.