Fruit-infused alcohols are delightful concoctions that combine the flavours and aromas of fresh fruits with the richness of spirits. These infused spirits add a burst of fruity goodness to your cocktails, making them perfect for summer gatherings, parties, or simply enjoying a refreshing drink on a summer day. Creating your own fruit-infused alcohol allows you to experiment with various flavour combinations, adding a personal touch to your drinks. Try your own hand as you explore the process of making fruit-infused alcohol and the tantalising combinations that await.

Steps To Make Fruit-Infused Alcohol

1. Choose your fruits: 

Select ripe and flavorful fruits for the infusion process. Some popular choices include berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries), citrus fruits (lemons, oranges), tropical fruits (pineapples, mangoes), and stone fruits (peaches, plums). You can also mix different fruits for unique flavour profiles.

2. Prepare the fruits: 

Wash the fruits thoroughly and remove any stems, leaves, or seeds. For larger fruits, such as pineapples or mangoes, peel and chop them into smaller pieces to increase the surface area for flavour extraction.

3. Select your alcohol: 

Choose a base alcohol that complements the fruits. Vodka is a versatile option, as it has a neutral flavour that allows the fruit flavours to shine. Alternatively, you can use rum, tequila, gin, or even whiskey, depending on your preferences and the flavours you want to achieve.

4. Combine the ingredients: 

Place the prepared fruits into a clean, airtight glass container. Pour the alcohol over the fruits, ensuring they are fully submerged. Use about 1 cup of fruit for every 2 cups of alcohol. Seal the container tightly to prevent air exposure.

5. Infusion time: 

Let the mixture sit at room temperature for at least 24 hours, allowing the fruits to infuse their flavours into the alcohol. For stronger fruit flavours, you can extend the infusion time up to a week or even longer, depending on the desired intensity.

Strain and bottle: 

After the desired infusion time, strain the alcohol through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove any fruit solids. You can repeat the straining process if needed to achieve a clearer liquid. Transfer the infused alcohol into clean, sterilised bottles or jars for storage.

5 Delicious Fruit-Infused Alcohol Combinations To Try

Strawberry-Basil Vodka: 

Infuse vodka with fresh strawberries and a handful of basil leaves for a delightful combination of sweet and herbaceous flavours.

Pineapple-Jalapeno Tequila:

 Combine chunks of ripe pineapple with sliced jalapenos in tequila for a spicy and tropical twist.

Strawberry-Lemon Gin: 

Infuse gin with plump strawberries and strips of lemon zest to create a refreshing and citrusy gin infusion.

Mango-Coconut Rum: 

Combine juicy mango chunks with shredded coconut in rum for a tropical and exotic infusion.

Raspberry-Mint Whiskey: 

Infuse whiskey with ripe raspberries and a few sprigs of fresh mint to create a vibrant and aromatic whiskey infusion.

These are just a few examples, and the possibilities for fruit-infused alcohol combinations are endless. Feel free to experiment with different fruits, herbs, and spirits to create your own unique blends that suit your taste preferences.

Different Ways to Use Fruit-Infused Alcohol


Use your fruit-infused alcohol as a base for cocktails. Combine it with other spirits, mixers, and garnishes to create refreshing and flavorful drinks.

Neat or on the rocks: 

Enjoy the infused alcohol on its own, either neat or over ice, to savour the fruit flavours.

Dessert pairing: 

Pair fruit-infused alcohol with complimentary desserts, such as a citrus-infused vodka with a lemon tart or a raspberry-infused gin with a chocolate mousse.

Marinades and sauces: 

Use the infused alcohol as a flavourful addition to marinades for meat or as an ingredient in sauces and glazes to add depth of flavour.