Navratri is a nine-day-long Hindu festival celebrating the nine incarnations or avatars of Goddess Durga. Durga, a major deity in the Hindu religion, is both a mother and warrior, protector and destroyer. She is often depicted with ten arms and ten weapons, riding a lion, but that is just one manifestation of Goddess Durga. In the Navratri, Hindu people worship all the manifestations of the Goddess through these nine days. Many devotees wake up early, visit temples or perform the pujas at home. Some even observe the ritualistic fasts to show their devotion. These fasts are called Navratri vrat, and one can observe them for a day, a couple of days, or all nine days at a stretch.

Navratri fasting can be a tricky affair given all the restrictions. You cannot eat grains, cereals, or pulses during fasting. Eggs, meat, fish and liquor are strictly prohibited too. You are only meant to consume, light, satvik, vegetarian food, and while it may seem that your options are very narrow, you can still fix yourself a wholesome lunch every day, without missing out on flavour or nutrition. Here are some ideas you may love.

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1. Vrat Wale Malai Kofta

Thought Vrat Ka Khana was just about eating fruits and milk all day? Think again. Malai Kofta is an Indian gravy dish made with cottage cheese balls that are dunked in a creamy gravy. No maida is used to make this vrat-special curry. And you can also replace salt with rock salt to make this dish. Isn’t that amazing?

2. Vrat Ki Kadhi

Kadhi fans, raise your hands! Made with fresh curd, chillies, ginger, Rajgira atta, and coriander leaves. This Kadhi is oh-so-perfect for the weather too. It is light on your tummy and incredibly tangy and tempting at the same time.

3. Navratri Salad

Perfect for quick, light and hearty lunch. This salad is made with peanuts, water chestnut, cucumber, pineapple, apple, paneer, makhana and coriander leaves. Crunchy, soft and sweet, this salad is brimming with varied textures and flavours.  

4. Navratri Dosa

Cravings can hit you out of nowhere, so it is always good to be prepared. You can fashion your dosas to make them ‘fit for fasting’. So what you cannot make your traditional batter with rice or lentils. Fix a quick batter with samak rice, sabudana, boiled potatoes and curry leaves.  

5. Vratwali Aloo Ki Sabzi

Isn’t it amazing that potatoes are permissible in the fasting, that just opens up so many options. This classic vrat wali sabzi is made with chopped potatoes, cumin seeds, coriander, green chillies and ginger. Perfect to be paired with kuttu puris, or vrat wale chawal.