There are times when we face a seemingly incongruous circumstance. What we may have expected to work turns out to be counterproductive. What we eat in the summer is a good illustration. Due to the high ambient temperature, we seek cold items or foods that we believe would chill us down. But are you aware of situations when the mechanism operates in reverse? Foods that promise to cool us down and bring comfort from the searing weather are generally our first port of call when the summer heat gets unbearable. Many delicious foods are said to have a calming impact on the body and mind. You might be startled to know that some of these "cooling" food actually cause your body to produce more heat. Indeed, that is the case! Here is a list suggesting foods that have been given the label "cool" yet are actually rather unappealing. 

Ayurveda has been a repository of knowledge suggesting how and what and when to eat certain food and why avoiding it. But, in our busy lifestlye we hardly pay heed to these ancient pearls of wisdom. Dr Vara Yanamandra, an Ayurvedic specialist, recently discussed these foods as an attempt to share knowledge. 

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Ice cream

Despite its "cool" reputation, ice cream is rather warm because of its high sugar and fat content and incompatible ingredient combinations. Eating ice cream can slow down your digestive process and dampen your digestive fire (Agni), both of which can lead to an accumulation of toxins in your body (called ama). This might cause gastrointestinal distress, fatigue, and a heavy sensation.

Iced Water

As a relief from the heat, most of us grab a bottle of cold water and fill it with ice in the summer. Ice water may appear relaxing on a hot summer day, but according to Ayurveda, it really has an unfavourable effect. Consuming cold water has the opposite effect of what one might expect, quelling the digestive fire and making it challenging for the body to absorb nutrients.

Iced drink, Image Source: Pexels


Cord or yoghurt, despite its cool reputation, can be difficult to digest because of its heated temperature. According to the science of Ayurveda, it is one of the meals that might lead to obstructions and is hence labelled "Abhishyandi." Yoghurt is best avoided during the summer months since the agni is already lower than usual, and eating it might cause indigestion, gas, and a sluggish mood.


Tomatoes are not the ideal choice for people with a Pitta dosha or who have Pitta imbalances during the hot summer months since they are a heating meal, according to Ayurveda. The sour and somewhat acidic flavour of tomatoes can aggravate Pitta dosha, leading to a rise in internal body temperature. Tomatoes are a Pitta food, so eating too many of them in the heat might worsen your acid reflux, heartburn, skin rashes, and inflammation.

Fresh tomatoes, Image Source: Pexels


While lemon is usually regarded as healthy in Ayurveda, there are a few summertime scenarios in which it may not be suggested. They are often considered a refreshing snack due to their high Vitamin C content. However, their sour flavour and heated intensity help to enhance internal heat and promote digestive fire. Since Pitta is already a warm dosha, consuming too much lemon in the summer might worsen it and cause imbalances like heartburn, acidity, or skin problems in people who already have a Pitta predominance.