Elaichi, also known as cardamom, is a treasured spice in a typical Indian kitchen. From authentic biryani to masala teas, adding an elaichi to the recipe can make everything better. Since it is so frequently used in dishes and beverages, it is pretty common to find your box labelled “cardamom” empty.

If that often happens to you, why don’t you plant cardamom in your kitchen garden? Not only is elaichi planting easy, but you can also grow the plant even if you don’t have a large garden space. But before you get started with buying a pot and seeds, here are some elaichi planting seeds to help you reap a healthy plant.

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Choose The Right Variety

There are two major varieties of elaichi, i.e., green cardamom and black cardamom. Even though you might usually use green cardamom in your kitchen, thanks to its subtle sweet and floral notes, you can also plant black cardamom. Since green cardamom thrives in a tropical and black cardamom grows better in a cooler region, take your pick as per the climate.


Since cardamoms are plants that grow better in the shade, you can place the elaichi pot in your kitchen garden, which does not get direct sunlight. But at the same time, ensure that the spot is not damp, which can cause fungal growth and harm the elaichi plant.


An elaichi plant typically requires well-drained and slightly acidic soil, preferably of the pH 6.0-7.5. So, before you plant the seeds, make sure that the soil has the right pH and has the right fertilisers, which help healthy growth. To enhance the growth, you can add a rhizome next to the plant, which will help the growth of the roots of the cardamom plant.


Just like every plant, elaichi needs regular watering for sustained growth. Since the plant thrives in a humid environment, watering regularly and ensuring that there is no waterlogging is also important. Another handy tip for healthy growth is mulching around the base with organic substances like leaves or straw that help the soil retain water content for longer durations.


Harvesting and storing cardamom plants is an important step in growing elaichi in your kitchen garden. Even though you’ll have to be patient for two or three years till you spot cardamom pods on the plant, it will totally be worth the wait. Once you pick the pods, you can store them in an airtight container to enjoy fragrant seeds every time you open the jar.