Actress Sara Ali Khan who was last seen in ‘Atrangi Re’ is riding high on the praise she recieved for her role. Sara, who debuted in Bollywood with ‘Kedarnath’, is also known for her sense of humour. The actress loves taking potshots on herself. Even as many of her peers in the film industry, like Ranveer Singh and director Rohit Shetty, have indicated that the actress does not possess the ‘best singing voice', Sara never stops humming to humour herself and everyone around. In the caption of her latest Instagram video, she wrote, "Eating or singing? ...Which is my real skill??..Please like, share, and subscribe for more ...Send in your vote- you know the drill.”

Through the video, Sara Ali Khan can be seen answering a bunch of questions, while munching into something or the other. When asked about her ‘secret talent’, while nibbling into a piece of chocolate she said that she can sing and then sang ‘Gun Guna Rahi Hai Bhawar’, from the movie ‘Aradhana’ to prove her point. Then while having a cup of blueberry pudding, she said that among her father’s performances she loved ‘Omkara’ and ‘Hum Tum’ the best.  

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And when she was asked to name the dish that she would never refuse. She was prompt to reply, 'pizza', 'chole bhature', 'besan ladoo'. She answered the question while chomping into a bowl of salad, which proves that the ‘Love Aaj Kal’ actress sure knows how to maintain a balance. Sara’s weight—loss journey has been inspiring for many. Before making her on-screen debut, the actress used to weigh more than 90 kilos. That said, Sara has never vouched for crash diets. The actress believes in eating a balanced diet and is in fact a big food buff, the proof of which she keeps giving us from time to time.

Now we do not know about you, but Sara’s answers have surely made us crave some fresh, homemade besan ladoo. For the uninitiated, Besan Ladoo is an Indian sweet wherein a cooked mixture of gram flour, ghee, nuts and cardamon are shaped like a ball. Here’s a recipe for besan ka ladoo that you can also try making at home because it is that ridiculously easy!  

Try it soon and do let us know how you liked it.