Summer is an exciting time filled with outdoor activities, vacations, and warm weather. It is the season when many varieties of fruits and vegetables are available. However, the heat and humidity of summer can present challenges when it comes to food safety and nutrition. Certain foods are best avoided during the hot summer months, while others can help keep you cool, hydrated, and healthy. 

In terms of nutrition, it's important to stay hydrated and replenish fluids and electrolytes lost through sweat. Sip on water throughout the day and choose fruits and veggies with high water content, like watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes and leafy greens. Steer clear of sugary, alcoholic, and caffeinated beverages, which can lead to dehydration. Boost electrolytes with coconut water, sports drinks or salty snacks in moderation. 

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Some summer foods to embrace include fresh, in-season produce like berries, stonefruits, tomatoes and corn, which pack nutrients and antioxidants. Yoghurt, popsicles and smoothies help you cool down. And lighter proteins like fish, chicken and veggies that can be grilled are refreshing alternatives to heavy casseroles. 

With some mindfulness about food safety and nutrition, you can make smart choices this summer and enjoy the season to its fullest! 

Foods To Eat During The Summer 


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Curd and buttermilk made from yoghurt provide a creamy, cool treat packed with protein, calcium, and probiotics to aid digestion. Adding fresh mint, roasted cumin, and black salt provides an extra zing. 


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Gooseberries, also known as amla, are a great source of vitamin C and fibre. Studies show gooseberries boost collagen production, benefit the heart and hair, and can reverse sun damage to the skin. 

Sweet Corn 

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Sweet corn is best consumed when it is organically grown. It provides vitamin A, B, and E, fibre, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which lower the risk of age-related blindness. Grill, bake, or boil the corn, or make a tasty salad with zucchini and bell peppers. 

Hydrating Drinks 

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Tender coconut water is nature's energy drink, containing vitamins, minerals, potassium, calcium, and magnesium to replenish nutrients lost to the summer's heat and sweat. Milkshakes from mangoes and bananas or try coconut milk for variety. Nimbu paani, or lemonade. Squeeze lemons into water with roasted cumin and mint for a satisfying salty drink or add sugar and salt for sweet lemonade. 


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Zucchini, cabbage, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, and cucumbers provide antioxidants that prevent cell damage from the sun. Lycopene in tomatoes prevents sunburn. Cucumber or tomato slices make simple, refreshing salads. 

Dark, leafy greens like spinach, kale, turnip greens, drumstick greens, and mustard greens strengthen the skin's UV defence and provide nutrients. 


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Brewed tea contains antioxidant flavonoids that benefit bones, teeth, and gums. Simmer tea leaves in hot water, then cool and add honey to taste for refreshing iced tea. 

Moong Bean Sprouts 

Easy-to-digest sprouts contain nutrients and water and can be eaten alone, in salads, or with vegetables. 

Foods to Avoid This Summer 

Hot and spicy foods 

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Hot and spicy foods, while containing beneficial ingredients, should be consumed in moderation during the summer months. Chilli, nutmeg, mustard, pepper, ginger and cinnamon boost metabolism and generate internal body heat through their thermogenic effects. Curry dishes with abundant oil and spices. Similarly, deep-fried fast foods like samosas, vada pav and bhajias are heavy and difficult to digest in the summer. 


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Non-vegetarian foods like red meat, mutton and beef are best minimised or avoided in the summer months. These meats generate excessive internal body heat while also carrying a higher risk of food contamination if not properly stored frozen. 


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Both caffeinated tea and coffee should be avoided in the summer as well. Caffeine has a dehydrating effect on the body while also heating up the core if consumed excessively. Caffeine can also disrupt sleep cycles during the summer. 

Dry fruits 

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While dry fruits are healthy choices year-round, they contain little water and large amounts of natural sugar. This combination raises body heat quickly, so fresh fruits are better summer options. Sauces and processed foods often have a high salt, preservative and artificial flavouring content. These food additives harm the body over time. 

Sugary food 

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Sugary drinks like sodas, sherbets and juices lead to increased calorie intake, often resulting in weight gain or diabetes. The high sugar content strains the kidneys and dehydrates the body.