In celebration of Earth Day, let's explore how our daily choices in the kitchen and grocery store can impact our planet. This quiz tests your knowledge and offers insights into sustainable cooking practices. Are you ready to see how green your kitchen habits are?

  1. Which of the following is considered the most sustainable animal protein?

A) Chicken
B) Pork
C) Clams, mussels, oysters, and scallops

  • What does minimizing food waste also reduce?

  • A) Only kitchen clutter
    B) Greenhouse gas emissions
    C) Only your grocery bill

  • A diet rich in plants and low in animal proteins is:

  • A) Less satisfying than a meat-heavy diet
    B) More resource-intensive
    C) Lower in greenhouse gas emissions

  • What is the effect of deforestation related to food production?

  • A) Increases availability of land for wildlife
    B) Releases stored carbon into the atmosphere
    C) Enhances the nutritional value of food

  • How does the land use of producing a calorie of plant-based proteins like beans compare to that of ruminant meats (lamb, goat)?

  • A) About the same
    B) Significantly less
    C) Significantly more

  • Why is dairy considered lower in emissions than ruminant meats?

  • A) Cows are smaller
    B) Dairy cows provide food repeatedly over their lifetime
    C) It is not lower; it is the same

  • What impact does reducing consumption of ruminant meats (such as lamb and goat) have on your carbon footprint?

  • A) No impact
    B) Reduces it
    C) Increases it

  • How does the greenhouse gas intensity of chicken compare to beans?

  • A) About three times higher
    B) About the same
    C) Significantly lower

  • What is the main reason why food waste is a critical issue?

  • A) It takes up space in the fridge
    B) It represents lost land and resources used for production
    C) It leads to more supermarket sales

  • Which is more climate-friendly, farmed fish or poultry?

  • A) They are about the same
    B) Poultry is more climate-friendly
    C) Farmed fish is significantly more climate-friendly

    Answer Key

    1. C) Clams, mussels, oysters, and scallops
    2. B) Greenhouse gas emissions
    3. C) Lower in greenhouse gas emissions
    4. B) Releases stored carbon into the atmosphere
    5. B) Significantly less
    6. B) Dairy cows provide food repeatedly over their lifetime
    7. B) Reduces it
    8. A) About three times higher
    9. B) It represents lost land and resources used for production
    10. A) They are about the same

    Insights: If you scored 7-10 correct answers, you're well on your way to being a sustainability champion! Scoring 4-6 shows you have a good base with room to grow. Less than 4? Consider this a great opportunity to learn more about how your food choices impact the planet.

    Thank you for participating in our Earth Day quiz. Every small change towards sustainability makes a big difference!