You would find loads of Kapoors in the Hindi film industry. There is the large Rishi Kapoor family with lots of extended relatives, there is Anil Kapoor’ clan and then there’s Shakti Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor. While Ranbir Kapoor’s entire family is known to be a big foodie, this time, someone else is on our minds. Shraddha Kapoor seems to be quite an early bird. Waking up early means something to feed your stomach and we like what she’s having. 

The Aashiqui sequel actress has charmed all her fans with her petite frame and sweet smile. The actress is of many talents, with her singing debut in Ek Villain’s song, Gallian. She recently woke up around 4:56 am and was out and about her business. Before taking off to work, she was seen gorging on a delicious-looking smoothie bowl. A purple-coloured bowl topped with blueberries looked very tempting in her Instagram story. Here’s a glimpse of her healthy morning treat. 

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Source: Screengrab of Instagram Story/Shraddha Kapoor

Do you know that you can actually make smoothie bowls at home too? They are an easy and healthy breakfast option that keeps you satiated for long. Loaded with super foods, nuts and fruits, the smoothie bowls have a thicker consistency, as compared to smoothies and are super colourful. If you wish to try some for next breakfast, here are some recipes. 

1.  Mango Smoothie Bowl 

Since summers are here, you should put those mangoes to some good use. Whip up a thick and bright-coloured smoothie bowl with sliced mangoes, bananas and some blueberries. Filled with coconut milk and yoghurt, it is thick, creamy and tasty. 

2.  Strawberry Smoothie Bowl 

Chop some strawberries and top them on your smoothie bowl. The base is filled with rolled oats mixed in Greek yoghurt. Add some chopped walnuts and shredded coconut for the crunch and you are good to go. 

3.  Chunky Monkey Smoothie Bowl 

What do monkeys like the most? Bananas, right? This banana-loaded chunky monkey bowl is for all the monkeys out there. Filled with chocolate, peanut butter and granola, you can add some chia seeds for a crunchy topping. 

4.  Blueberry Smoothie Bowl 

If you like blueberries as much as Shraddha Kapoor, you better try this easy-peasy recipe. A mix of frozen and fresh blueberries are used to make this healthy smoothie bowl. Add to that some vanilla-flavoured greek yoghurt and milk and a creamy smoothie bowl is ready. Also, don’t forget the pumpkin and sunflower seeds on top.