It can be annoying and uncomfortable to have dry skin. And for many people, dry skin can become a problem in the winter when the air gets drier and colder. Applying moisturiser to the skin, using a humidifier in the house, and avoiding overly hot baths and showers are just a few of the remedies that individuals turn to for assistance with dry skin. However, especially in the colder months, what we put into our bodies may also have an impact on how our skin looks. Our food habits may have a significant impact on how much fluid our bodies can hold onto. 

Drink Enough Water 

The idea is fairly straightforward: If your body is not sufficiently hydrated, this may cause your skin to appear dry. Dry skin and dehydration are related, primarily because the body does not have enough fluid. Staying hydrated during the day requires drinking lots of water. This is crucial for the optimum functioning of your cells as well as the hydration of your skin.  Include Fish, If Nonvegetarian 

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Fish, especially cold-water oily fish, contain DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids, or various "good fats," which may enhance aspects of cardiovascular, visual, and mental health. Additionally, some evidence suggests that these omega-3 fatty acids may have an impact on the skin barrier and have suppressive effects on the scratching behaviour brought on by dry skin, even if more well-designed, human-based clinical trials are required.  

Cut The Alcohol 

The integrity of your skin won't likely be significantly impacted by the occasional glass of wine or mug of beer. However, consuming excessive amounts of alcohol can dehydrate the body, which may increase the likelihood that someone will have dry skin. If you feel like a cocktail but don't want to drink alcohol, consider trying a mocktail. 

Include Egg Yolks 

Several essential minerals, including vitamin D, are found in abundance in the egg yolk, which is a nutritional powerhouse. The importance of consuming vitamin D-rich foods is highlighted by the possibility that low vitamin D levels are related to skin moisture status, according to some evidence. According to the American Heart Association's (AHA) most recent research advice, "healthy persons can include up to a whole egg.  


To enhance skin health, collagen is a popular element in dietary supplements, snacks, and even beverages. And while some of the claims made about this addition may be dubious, there may be some validity to the argument that a correlation exists between a diet high in collagen and dry skin. Collagen tripeptide studies revealed a noticeable improvement in skin elasticity and moisture, indicating that this addition may benefit those with dry skin. Even though there are still few studies on this treatment and not everyone will benefit from it, there is very little risk in trying it out. if you consume a balanced diet you don't require collagen supplements. The winter months are the ideal time to consume collagen-rich foods including beef, poultry with skin, and beef, pork, and chicken broth.