Actor Rakul Preet Singh has just wrapped up her long and busy film schedule in Scotland and London, where she also rang in her 32nd birthday recently. The bash was attended by her B-Town friends - including Malaika Arora, Arjun Kapoor, Jacky Bhagnani, Bhumi Pednekar and Dino Morea. Pictures from her birthday celebration went viral on the internet and we could spot some drool-worthy cake as well. Read more about it here

Rakul has now shared on social media that she is on her way back to India, and will be joining the promotions for her upcoming movies - Thank God and Doctor G. On her way back, Rakul decided to host an 'Ask Me Anything' session on her Instagram stories to interact with her fans and followers. And guess what! The actor has spilled the beans about some of her lesser-known skills too. Thanks to her foodie fans, who took the opportunity to ask questions about her food preferences, we got to know some surprising things about her. 

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The first question her fans asked her was how she managed to stay fit and what type of diet she follows, and the actor revealed that she doesn’t follow any particular diet, and gave some useful tips. "I think the only way to maintain fitness is to be consistent and to have it as a way of life, for me fitness is a way of life. And I like it, I do it because I like it, I don't like any other way. And I don't follow a diet, I like to eat everything but eat everything homemade, if you can. (sic)". 

 The second question was whether or not she cooks, and here’s what the actor revealed while tagging two of her friends. "I think my friend can answer that better... I don't cook, but I can make sure that I am served healthy cooked meal". And we think that is what matters in the end. If you are ultimately eating healthy, it doesn’t matter if you are cooking food yourself or someone else is doing it for you, what do you think? 

Rakul is one celebrity who is a foodie, but swears by healthy food. She is an ardent believer in having everything in moderation, and not depriving the body of anything. Read more about Rakul Preet’s diet here.