Actress Disha Patani who was last seen with Salman Khan in ‘Radhe’ has a string of interesting projects lined up ahead of her. The actress is currently in Barcelona, Spain. On Saturday, she took to Instagram to give us a glimpse of the beautiful city, she visited the Arco de Triunfo de Barcelona and soon she landed in a bistro for a quick brunch. Disha chomped on a plate of what seemed like some loaded waffles, topped with heaps of peanut butter, blueberry compote, fresh strawberries, blue berries dusted over with icing sugar. There, there we saw you drooling. But we get it. It is quite possibly one of the most loaded waffles we have seen off late. Disha is a fitness icon for millions, but that hasn’t stopped her from flaunting her foodie side. She often indulges in some of the most decadent delicacies, and this decadent waffle just made it to the list.  

For the uninitiated, the waffle is a dish that is made with a leavened batter. The batter is cooked between two plates that are typically chequered, which gives your waffles a characteristic look. More often than not, your waffles are square in shape, surface embossed with tiny squares. Of course, the final look of your waffle depends on the type of waffle iron used. While they are eaten all across the world, it is the Belgian waffles that are most renowned. Waffles are enjoyed with a variety of condiments, spreads and sides. Maple syrup, chocolate spread, fresh fruits, whipped cream, peanut butter are common suspects. There are savoury waffles too, like waffles and crispy chicken, which is a popular breakfast in America and Europe. Waffles can be made fresh or simply reheated.  

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If you have a waffle iron at home, then making waffle is actually quite a cakewalk. Here are some tips you may want to keep in mind.

  1. Make sure you grease the waffle iron well to prevent the batter from sticking to the iron plate.  
  2. While making the batter, treat the dry ingredients and wet ingredients separately to avoid lumps. It is also advisable to sift your dry ingredients in a large bowl with the help of a sieve.  
  3. Separate the egg whites and in a separate bowl, beat them until stiff peaks form.
  4. Then a separate bowl, add the egg yolk, oil, milk and vanilla and stir slightly. Then add the dry ingredients and combine the two. Fold and mix well until you get a smooth, lump-free batter.  
  5. Pour the waffle batter in the waffle iron and cook on medium-high heat for around 5-10 minutes.

Here’s a delicious recipe for waffle that you may want to try today. Take a cue from Disha and top it with peanut butter and blueberries or mix things up and add toppings of your choice. Do not forget to share the pictures with us.