Actress Sara Ali Khan who was last seen in Anand L. Rai's ‘Atrangi Re’ is still riding high on the critical acclaim she received for the film. She also performed on some of her songs of ‘Atrangi Re’ at the recently concluded IIFA awards in Abu Dhabi. Right after IIFA she flew to Dubai with her friends and crew. Sara has been travelling non-stop these days from London, to Istanbul to UAE. A self-confessed foodie, Sara loves to try out foods from local and popular cafes whenever she is abroad. However, this time she didn’t even have to step out to appease her sweet cravings.  On Sunday, in her hotel room in Dubai, she had a sweet surprise waiting for her. The staff welcomed Sara with a gorgeous-looking cheesecake, made with delicious whipped cream cheese and a crusty base made with biscuits. The cheesecake was also presented with berry coulis. Some fresh blackberries and strawberries also adorned the plate, making it one gram-worthy dish.

For the uninitiated, cheesecake is a popular dessert, the origins of which have been much debated. The version where cream cheese is set atop a biscuit crust, is a fairly modern and European idea. In the Japanese cheesecake, you find no crust, the cake is also very soft and wiggly, as opposed to the creamy, dense European version.  

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Image credits: Instagram @saralikhan95

Cheesecake: A Little Bite Of History

As per a fascinating legend, the earliest form of cheesecake can be found in Greek physician Aegmius’s book (5th century B.C). It was also apparently considered a highly energetic food and given to Greek Olympians. Its use in religious functions and ceremonies was also common in ancient Greece. The Romans adapted the cheesecake and spread it to the world. The more modern version of cheesecake called sambocade, made with elderflower and rose water, finds its mention in a 14th-century English cookbook. This was the first time the batter of the cake was given a slightly more indulgent turn, making many believe that cheesecake could most probably be English in origin. Then of course, by 19th century, commercial American cheesecakes became talk of the town. William Luarence of New York, tried to soften French Cheese Neufchâtel and accidentally ended up with cheese that was heavier and creamier, a perfect base for his cheesecake.  

There are many kinds of cheesecakes that are available across the world now, baked and frozen, New York-style and Japanese-style. The good thing is, most of them are quite easy to prepare at home too, so here is our favourite cheesecake recipe that we will be making today, how about you?  

This cheesecake is ultra-creamy and flavourful. A crowd-puller, this cheesecake is sure to be a hit among both kids and grown-ups alike. So what are you waiting for, try this cheesecake now and let us know how you liked it.