Deepika Padukone is undoubtedly one of the finest celebrities in Bollywood, known as much for her craft as for her advocacy around mental health concerns and, most recently, for her new beauty brand, 82°E. Along with being a stunning megastar and actor, she is also a great foodie and often posts her culinary adventures on Instagram to share with her countless fans and followers. Who can forget the delicious curd rice that she devoured or the decadent mango dessert she enjoyed in the summer?

In a recent Instagram post, the actor once again shared an image of a dessert with no caption. Indeed, no words are needed to express how yummy the ice cream sandwich she seems to be relishing would be! The image highlights two pairs of hands holding four ice cream sandwiches, which presumably appear to be chocolate, vanilla, and pistachio.

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Deepika's post came just hours before Ranveer Singh's birthday, which has led Instagram users to wonder whether she is devouring cake before his birthday celebrations begin! For his part, Ranveer has simply commented, "Oh, Ohh."

Indeed, one needs no more to express delight at the prospect of this indulgent dessert, which is made by stuffing ice cream between two folds of thin wafers. Tell us in the comments below what your favourite flavour of ice cream sandwich is and whether you like it with a wafer or with a biscuit coating!