Deepika Padukone is someone who doesn’t need any introduction. The Bollywood star has been riding high on the success of her latest film, Gehraiyaan, as she has won immense critical appreciation for her role. Besides her acting prowess, Deepika is known for her fashion statement. But if you follow her on social media, you would know how the Bollywood diva is a self-confessed foodie. The actor has revealed her favourite dishes, cooking tips and more during her past interactions with her fans on social media. In her latest interaction, Deepika Padukone hosted an Instagram AMA session with the prompt, "If I was a..." She asked her fan following of over 65 million to respond with different kinds of replies to the trending format. Needless to say, food propped up in the conversation too! 

The idea behind the format was to understand what food Deepika would compare herself to and relate to the most. A fan took the opportunity and asked her with the prompt, "If I was a drink?" To this, Deepika replied, "Hot Chocolate," along with a cute video of herself enjoying the yummy brew. Take a look: 

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Another fan asked the actress what would be the ingredient that she would compare herself to. The actress responded, "Chili!" and shared a short clip of one of her crew members enjoying some spicy food! Take a look: 

 Anyone who follows the Bollywood star closely would know what a big foodie the actress is. Remember recently when the actor was drooling over Italian comfort food of pizza and took to Instagram to share her love. She shared a picture of her Margherita pizza and captioned it as 'Drools'. Read about it here

And if that’s not enough, you’ll be surprised to know how Deepika is not only a foodie but a great chef too. How do we know? Her husband and actor Ranveer Singh himself made the revelation in his recent Instagram AMA. A fan asked if he likes Deepika's cooking to which he replied, "Love it! She's an amazing cook. My multi-talented baby." Click here to read more about it. 

On the work front, Deepika was last seen in the sports drama ‘83, alongside Ranveer. Her upcoming projects include the highly anticipated film Pathan, opposite Shah Rukh Khan and John Abraham