There’s no denying that Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are one of Bollywood’s most popular couples. After dating for over five years, the two actors tied the knot in an intimate and dreamy wedding ceremony in Italy's Lake Como on November 14, 2018. It was followed by three grand receptions in India. One in Deepika’s hometown, Bengaluru, the other two being in Delhi and Mumbai respectively. The couple marked four years of being married this year, and even today the two don’t fail to set couple goals, as they continue to make headlines for their mushy love story. 

On Monday, when #DeepVeer, as they are lovingly called by their fans, marked their 4th wedding anniversary, Ranveer made sure not to let work come in between him making Deepika feel special. On the other hand, Deepika also had a working day, packed with meetings with her team in the office. But those are also the times when you can really make your partner feel loved, isn’t it? And Ranveer sure knows that the best, while he also knows the secret to his wife’s heart, of course. Can you guess what? Chocolates! 

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Ranveer dropped in at Deepika’s office with some flowers and chocolates in hand, as she juggled work, and we are sure it must’ve been a great surprise for her. Sharing a picture on his Instagram stories, Ranveer wrote, “When she has to work on your anniversary so you surprise her at her office...” The picture showed Deepika from behind sitting on a chair engrossed in her work on the laptop, along with several members of her team around her. “Ps: Never underestimate the power of flowers and chocolates. Diamonds not needed buahaha. Take notes & thank me later, gentlemen...” Ranveer added in the picture. Take a look: 

Seems like Ranveer’s sweet gesture was a successful stint, and Deepika was glad to see him and the chocolates. For those of you who don’t know it yet, Deepika is a big chocolate lover, and she has revealed it time and again through her many social media posts. In fact, both Ranveer and Deepika are absolute foodies, and lovers of chocolates. Don’t believe us? Here are some of their best foodie moments: 

1. Once when Deepika and Ranveer were travelling from Delhi, and were at the airport in the morning, they simply couldn’t contain their cravings for South Indian food when they came across the outlet Carnatic Café. Deepika was so impressed with the food that she took to Instagram to shower praises for it. Read more about it here

2. Ranveer’s recent birthday vacation was all about good food. As the couple shared a few pictures from the trip, we stopped at a photograph that had Deepika carefully reading the menu of a local food outlet. Besides, Ranveer also shared a click of a scrumptious chocolate chip cookie with vanilla ice cream and chocolate chunks. More details here

3. On another occasion, while Ranveer gorged on a chocolate fudge ice cream from an ice cream joint in Bengaluru, Deepika gave us major foodie goals when she indulged in a decadent multi-layered chocolate cake.