Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone have been setting some major couple goals ever since they got married in 2018. From their PDA at various events to their lovely banters on social media, fans and followers of the two Bollywood stars simply can’t get enough of them. But one fact about the couple that we absolutely adore is their love for food. Both Ranveer and Deepika are complete foodies, and this has been revealed in their various social media posts, AMA sessions and interviews. 

Didn’t we tell you about Deepika’s love for chocolate, which she recently also revealed in a post about chocolate cake? Read more about it here. On the other hand, the Jayeshbhai Jordaar actor also loves his Nutella jar, or his Sindhi Curry and Arbi Tuk, as revealed in an Instagram AMA session.  

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The foodies started their Monday morning with a ‘scrumptious South Indian breakfast’ at an eatery in the Delhi airport. And well, it seems like the actors loved their meal too much. Deepika took to Instagram to share an ‘appreciation post’ for Carnatic Café India, which recently opened an outlet at Terminal 3. “This is an appreciation post. My husband and I had the most scrumptious South Indian breakfast at @carnaticcafeindia at Terminal 3 in Delhi this morning. What made it even more special was the courteous and efficient staff. Do yourselves a favour and go check it out…,” wrote Deepika on her Instagram Stories, while she also shared a picture of the menu screen at the outlet. Take a look: 

If you are a Delhiite, and are fond of South Indian food, you must have heard that the café offers a huge variety of home-style South Indian delights. Be it a host of different dosas, paddu for breakfast or a steaming hot cup of filter coffee, the café is sure to remind you of classic South Indian homes. 

Hailing from Karnataka, Deepika has always expressed her love for the state’s cuisine on different occasions. In one of her Instagram videos, she also confessed how homemade rasam and rice happen to be her go-to comfort foods. Besides, she also once revealed that Shri Krishna Sweets as her preferred Mysore Pak establishment.  This sweet shop is extremely popular for making sweets in pure ghee. According to several reports, Deepika and Ranveer gave personalised letters along with boxes of Mysore Pak from Sri Krishna Sweets to their wedding guests.