The kitchen is the most functional space in a home and cooking in it must at the least be comfortable and convenient, if nothing else. A bright and airy kitchen with plenty of space is everyone’s dream, however, making the most of the space we have is practical and helps adapt to various situations better. A little bit of planning and organizing around the space makes a big difference in the appearance and access to things around you. Here are a few things to make optimal use of the kitchen, without having it feel overwhelming or cluttered for too long.

Food Storage Containers

All those packets containing pasta, flour, spices or rice in varying quantities is only going to take up more pantry space. The food storage containers, especially clear ones, ensure that the ingredients are visible and air-tight enough for your food to stay fresh. They also look uniform and pleasing to look at when arranged neatly in shelves.

Refrigerator Organizer Bins

The vertical real estate of your fridge is precious and if you’ve gotten into the habit of cooking meals regularly, you’d know what a blessing it is to have free space in the fridge. Make the king of all your kitchen appliances clutter-free with these simple but utility-friendly bins to store cans and jars, or even sort out fruits and vegetables to use up in order of freshness.

Stackable Wire Baskets

A set of wire baskets in varying sizes are the most versatile storage objects to make up for overflowing cabinets. Anything that can be stored fairly safely outside of your refrigerator – from potatoes, a loaf of bread, sealed packets of rice or pasta – belongs in these baskets along with a surplus of your groceries, if you’re in the habit of meal prepping.

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Reusable Silicone Bags

What if you could cut down on kitchen waste while decluttering? Give yourself the chance to have a win-win situation by packing lunches, storing chopped vegetables, freezing herbs or even egg whites, these stasher bags can be used over and over for multiple purposes. What’s more? They are also pretty space-efficient and come in different sizes.

Bottle Organizer

All your clean reusable bottles need a haven until they’ll be filled with liquids again; and one of the biggest factors for taking up space in a kitchen are bottles. Having an organizer or two to store every member’s personal bottle or even common ones that have oil, water or juices kept away in them from time-to-time, the cabinet will have them on full display, front and centre.

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