Actress Alia Bhatt who broke the internet with the news of her pregnancy is making headlines again for her upcoming film ‘Darlings’, which is also her maiden production. In the movie, Alia will be sharing screen space with actor Shefali Shah, Vijay Verma and Roshan Mathew. Fans are rather kicked about the film and the trailer of the dark comedy has also received great response. Shefali and Alia play mother and daughter in the movie, and their chemistry is also being appreciated a lot. And it is not really a surprise, given both of them are such phenomenal actors. But that’s not the only common link between the two. Both also happen to love simple Indian, vegetarian food. We wonder if they connected on that front too during their shoot.

Actor Alia Bhatt has been voted Peta India’s ‘Person Of the Year’ in the year 2021, has been avoiding meat for quite some time now, and every now and then she also goes full vegan. Remember how she celebrated the success of ‘Gangubai Kathiawadi’ with a vegan burger and fries? But, Alia has also said on numerous occasions how her heart lies in simple dal chawal, dahi tadka chawal and sabzi(pumpkin or bhindi). She even posted an image on her Instagram stories with the caption ‘Dal Chawal’ life, proving her love for the Desi, every day staple yet again. On her YouTube channel, she also cooked a Zucchini ki sabzi, in South Indian-style. It was one of her personal chef’s recipes that she attempted her hands at, and the sabzi looked a lot like thoran, seasoned with curry leaves and mustard seeds.  

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Actor Shefali Shah is quite a food buff herself. Once she also posted a video on her Instagram, where she could be seen cooking with her crew in between shoot. “Our Villa is Khayaali Pulao Café!”, she wrote in her caption.

She recently opened a restaurant, named Jalsa, which specialises in vegetarian food. In an interview with Slurrp, she said, “the Indian food that is served here is not the restaurant kind of but is more traditional Indian like that Amritsari Chole is the one you would get at home, there are some Maharashtrian dishes which are very, very traditional which I have learned from my grand mom, some Gujarati dishes, some International Cuisine, then there’s continental. There is something for everyone in the menu.”

Further, she also spoke about the ‘Naani Wali Dal’ in the menu, she called this dal recipe from her mother “special” because it had a lot to do with her childhood memories, everybody in her family would feast on this dal with rice and ghee.