When it comes to wine, you enjoy it, and you love it. So shouldn't we cease treating wine the same as other alcoholic beverages? Consider the possibility: You might incorporate it into your skillet dishes, and marinades! Wine may be incorporated into cooking in a wide variety of ways, and it can greatly enhance the flavour of several dishes. You should know how, when, and why to add wine to the foods you make rather than just pouring it into everything you cook. Cooking with wine is an art. You just cannot pour it into any dish and enjoy its flavours. You must know the right way to use it. Here are some tips and tricks for you to keep in mind when cooking with wine-

Don't cook with wine you won't drink

Don't cook with wine you wouldn't want to drink. Even though you've undoubtedly heard this advice a hundred times before, it is still important to remember. You know those wines that, as soon as you take a sip, strike you as being overly sweet, overly acidic, or just plain blah? Pouring the wine into your food may seem like a novel method to get rid of it, but doing so is not in your best interests. The last thing you want to happen is to bite into a dish and discover that something didn't taste right, turning it into something overly sweet, sour, or worse. Open a bottle you enjoy and pour from there instead; your dinner will taste better as a result.

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Use it as a marinade

There are countless ways to incorporate wine into your cuisine, but marinades are one setting where it is frequently overlooked. A nice red or white wine, however, can elevate a marinade that is already wonderful to a new level. According to MasterClass, a zesty, acidic white wine with few difficulties is usually best to use while marinating something like fish. Yet, a rich white wine like Chardonnay might complement your protein if you are marinating chicken.

Don't put wine in the last

You might believe that you can add wine to your food at any stage of cooking, but this is untrue. Depending on what you're cooking, you should add wine at different times, but a good general tip to remember is to avoid adding wine too late. When your food is going to be served, adding a large amount of wine right before serving can make it taste harsh. You don't want your dish to have an alcoholic flavour.

Don't use super tannic red wines

Although everyone has a distinct preference for wine, we have some bad news for those who enjoy big, robust, tannic bottles: You probably won't want to utilise such red wines for your cuisine. Why? So when the wine boils down, those tannins will concentrate into an unpleasant, bitter flavour. If you're using tannic wine in your cuisine, you should anticipate that the unpleasant flavours will only intensify over time. Instead, you should look for a red wine with moderate tannins if you plan to cook with it.