A variety of cookies made with maraschino cherries may be referred to as cherry cookies. Maraschino cherries, which are chewy and vivid red because they are sweet cherries in sugar syrup, are frequently used in ice cream sundaes, chocolate-covered cherries, cherry cordials, and other plated desserts. A popular Christmas cookie or treat around Valentine’s Day, the most traditional cherry cookies are pink in colour due to either red food colouring or cherry juice. Depending on factors like personal tastes and family customs, cherry cookies might imply different things to different individuals. This article is about maraschino cherries and how to make the most of them with this cherry cookie recipe.


•2 tsp maraschino cherry juice

•½ tsp salt

•1 cup butter

•½ cup maraschino cherries

•½ tsp almond extract

•1 cup powdered sugar

•2¼ cups flour

•¾ cup chocolate chips

•Red food colouring (optional)


•Combine butter, powdered sugar, salt, cherry juice, almond extract, and food colouring in the bowl of a stand mixer. Beat the flour gradually.

•As the mixer is running at low speed, add the chopped cherries. Fold in chocolate chips after removing the bowl from the mixer.

•Place tablespoonfuls in a circular shape on cookie sheets covered with parchment paper. 

•Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, or until the edges are just beginning to brown, at 350° Fahrenheit.

•Transfer to wire racks to finish cooling. Keep your items in sealed containers.


•Red food colouring is not required at all. Simply put, it gives the cookies a deeper shade of pink that is so lovely at this time of year. If you’d prefer, you can omit the food colouring.

•Simply cover the final cookie dough in plastic wrap and freeze, if you want to store it for later. 

•Before baking the cookies as instructed in the recipe, let the cookie dough come to room temperature.