Chef Vishnu Manohar, best known for his fusion cooking is set to make 7,000kg of 'Ram Halwa' for the much-awaited consecration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya, which starts January 22. The Nagpur chef has reportedly prepared a special oversized kadhai which has a capacity of 12 thousand litres which he plans to use to make the halwa at the temple premises. Vishnu shared in a recent interview that he has applied to Guinness World Records, Limca Book of Records, Asia Book of Records and India Book of Records as he’s attempting the feat.

"The weight of this kadhai is 1300 to 1400 kg. This is made of steel and the central part is made of iron so that when halwa is made, it does not burn. The size is 10 feet by 10 feet. It has a capacity of 12,000 litres, and 7,000 kg of halwa can be made in it. A crane is required to lift it. The spatula, weighing 10 to 12 kgs has holes in it so that it is easy to cook,” he said in a statement recently.

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Manohar has shared that he is dedicating this attempt to the Ram Janmabhoomi Trust and revealed that he would visit Ayodhya as a Kar Sevak when he was younger. The Ram Halwa will be offered to the deity and will then be distributed to about 1 and a half lakh people. The halwa will be made with 900 kg of rava, 2500 litres of water, 300 kg of dry fruits, 1000 kg of ghee, 1000 kg of sugar, 2000 litres of milk and 75 kg of cardamom powder. 

“We have named this initiative as Kar Seva to Pak Seva. Our emotions are attached to it. There is a lot of difference between Ayodhya during the movement and today's Ayodhya. Today there is too much excitement in Ayodhya,” Manohar said.

In a recent interview, the chef revealed that he is sourcing the sooji from Nagpur due to the variation in water, which impacts the texture and taste of the semolina and he is trying to source the ghee from Tirupati, which has an elevated aroma. With this feat, the world record will be created in the name of the Ram Janmabhoomi Trust but the chef himself isn’t a stranger to record-breaking attempts and reportedly holds 14 such records. 

In 2022, he entered his name in multiple books of world records when he served 75 rice delicacies in Nagpur, to mark 75 years of Indian Independence. In 2018, he cooked 3,000kg of khichdi in Nagpur’s Chitnis Park and in 2017, he broke the Guinness world record for the longest stretch of cooking, by clocking in 53 hours. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to attend the consecration ceremony at the Ram Temple on January 22 and the Vedic rituals are scheduled to begin on January 16, a week before the main ceremony.