The judges of MasterChef India have always shared a special bond, whether it’s laughing and joking on screen, or hanging out and cooking together in their free time, it’s become a relationship beyond work and one of friendship. Chef Pooja Dhingra proved that again when she posted images of her trip to Amritsar where she took the time to meet up with a very special resident of the city. None other than Chef Vikas Khanna’s mother. And in a sweet gesture, she captioned the post, “Postcard for @vikaskhannagroup Hello from Amritsar!”

Video Credits: Chef Ranveer Brar/YouTube

Chef Vikas Khanna has always been very outspoken about his love for his hometown of Amritsar and takes every opportunity to share its secrets with his fans and followers, and now his mother seems to be doing the same. Chef Dhingra’s food journey began with an Amritsari staple of Chole Bhature. Amritsari Chole is known nationwide for its unique flavour and colour which comes from the use of black tea in the cooking process. It gives the final dish a deep black colour and a slight astringency that’s missing from regular chole recipes.

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She then sampled another famed Amritsari item, Lassi, thick luscious and creamy. Traditionally, Amritsari Lassi is made using a hand churner called a madhani along with helpings of thick fresh cream and homemade butter for a rich and smooth drink, perfect for the chilly winter cold. She also stopped to get another winter favourite, some fresh gud (jaggery), perfect to make some new signature desserts

There’s no such thing as too much chole, of course, so they doubled up with a helping of chole kulche, topped with some butter for another rich meal full of local charm. Finally, they stopped off to pick up some sweet treats at Lubhanya Ram Aam Papad, outside DAV College, a spot that Chef Khanna has sung the praises of in the past.

Chef Pooja Dhingra seems to have hit some of the must-try Amritsari dishes on this trip, but there’s plenty more to explore so if there’s perhaps she’ll visit some more of Vikas Khanna’s recommended spots in the city