Actress Ananya Panday who was last seen in Shakun Batra’s ‘Gehraiyan’ with actors Siddhant Chaturvedi, and Deepika Padukone has a string of interesting projects lined up ahead of her. But the actress’s social media feed is no less entertaining. If you happen to follow Ananya Panday on Instagram, you are perhaps already privy to her foodie side. The actress, who is a fitness icon to millions, in fact, has a penchant for the cheesiest and greasiest of foods. For instance, when she was in Lucknow for a promotional campaign, she managed to sneak in some Lucknawi delights during her short stay. On her trip to Delhi, where she was visiting her Naani, she fervently chomped on Chole Bhature and Hot Chocolate fudge from Nirula’s. With Shilpa Shetty and her father Chunky Pandey, she has also binged on a round of exquisite desserts and posted the video on her Instagram too . Somewhere last year, she also declared her love for a” bouquet of French Fries”.  

On Tuesday, the actress posted some throwback pictures from Nevada, USA, where she was shooting for Liger opposite Telugu superstar Vijay Deverakonda. The movie is being shot simultaneously in Hindi and Telugu. “Never getting over Nevada. Throwback to the best time shooting for Liger”, she wrote in her caption.  

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Her photo dump featured many delish food items too, In the first photo itself, Ananya can be seen holding a yummy cheeseburger with a juicy patty and some greens, then there’s another picture where she is fiddling the creamy foam of her cup of Joe. Her last picture features a delicious pepperoni pizza and some meatball, red sauce spaghetti. Ananya seems to have a soft spot for Italian food it seems, as it is not the first time a Pepperoni pizza has made it to her feed.  

Italian cuisine is indeed one of the most beloved across the world. An Italian pizza is a flatbread that is topped with sauce, cheese and various toppings. While dishes similar to pizza have existed since antiquity, modern pizza traces its roots to Italy, specifically Naples. An authentic Neapolitan pizza is prepared with simple and fresh ingredients such as basic dough, raw tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese, fresh basil, and olive oil.

Nowadays, of course, different versions of pizzas have come across everywhere. United States alone is home to 4-5 kinds of pizzas, such as the Chicago Pizza, the Detroit Pizza and more.  

India is not far behind in giving this classic Italian Pizza. (Read: Paneer tikka pizza, anyone?)

Pizzas can be as simple or as complex as you would want it to be. Here is a simple Paneer pizza you can try making at home today. Trust us, it is sure to be a hit among both kids and grown-ups alike.