Ahead of the 75th Independence Day, Prime Minister Modi initiated the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign. In his monthly radio address, ‘Mann ki Baat’ aired on July 31, he urged the citizens of India to hoist or display the national flags at their homes. He even went on to suggest that people change their social media profile photo to the Indian Flag from August 2 to 15, in order to commemorate the big day. 

In his address to the nation, he said that the Indian flag is a reminder of the great struggle for Independence, it should inspire and motivate us to do something for the country. While social media is abuzz with reactions to PM Modi’s unique campaign, the trend of tricolour recipes has been around for a while. Every year, many people try to infuse the colours of our Indian flag, Saffron, White and Green into the dishes they prepare for the I-Day. Here are some of our favourite and easiest recipes you can try.  

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Tricolour Dhokla

Dhokla is a spongy, savoury cake that has now become a sensation even beyond Gujarat. The steamed cake can be made in made colours apart from the standard yellow. You can use edible food colours or spinach puree or carrot puree to get the desired results.  

Tricolour Idli

Idli is a popular South Indian breakfast typically made with fermented rice batter, but have you ever tried adding fun colours to the batter itself? That can yield you as many coloured idlis as you want. If you are not so much a fan of edible food colour, then go natural. Add spinach puree and carrot puree for green and orange-coloured idlis.

Tricolour Bread Pakoda

Your favourite tea time just got a colourful upgrade. Bread Pakora is crispy bread and potato fritter with a  golden, gram flour coating. However, in this recipe the surprise lies inside. Coriander mint chutney, ketchup and white bread itself can give you a semblance of the tricolour, and this recipe is proof.  

Tricolour Halwa Paratha

Halwa Paratha is a popular decadent street food of Delhi and UP. Here, your usual savoury parathas get a sweet spin. Usually, halwa paratha is stuffed with one kind of halwa, here, it is stuffed with three that impart three different colours, one made of Poha (white), one with peas or matar (green) and one with carrots (orange/saffron).  

Try these fun recipes soon and let us know how you liked it.