The significant Hindu holiday of Navratri, which is observed twice a year in India, worships the goddess Durga and her nine incarnations, each of which stands for a unique power. Devotees fast for up to nine days to worship the goddess during the festival, which occurs twice—once at the beginning of spring and once at the beginning of fall. Instead of eating non-vegetarian cuisine, onions, and garlic, people usually opt for light, easily digestible foods like kuttu atta, singhara atta, fresh vegetables, milk, yoghurt, and makhanas. Sabudana dishes are a must-have during this festival. Dishes made of this food product, whether they be the savoury khichdi or the sweet kheer, can make your fasting healthier and tastier. Sabudana, also known as sago, is an ancient staple ingredient that is extracted from the edible portion of the root of tropical palm trees. It is a nutritious food that is full of numerous health advantages, therefore you must include it in your diet.

Here are some benefits of including sabudana in your diet-

Improves digestion

The well-liked fasting food from India also contains a lot of resistant starch, which is good for your digestive system. After passing through the stomach undigested, the resistant starch enters the colon where it aids in the development of good gut bacteria. It assists in preventing constipation and bulking up the stools.

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Rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants found in abundance in the tiny white pearls may aid in the body's ability to combat disease-causing free radicals. Free molecules can damage cells and result in diseases like cancer and cardiovascular issues when their number surpasses a risky threshold. The dietary item naturally contains a lot of polyphenols, which are antioxidants that have been shown to increase immunity, reduce inflammation, and lower the risk of heart disease.

Calorie rich food

Sago is primarily made with starch which contains a lot of calories. The complex carbohydrates called starches are what the body uses to make energy since they include several linked glucose molecules. Protein and vitamins are present in tiny amounts. The nicest thing about sabudana is that it is gluten-free and can be a great replacement for foods containing wheat, such as grains and flour, as well as for those who have celiac disease.

Helps in gaining weight

Include more of this meal in your diet if you're seeking for a food source that can aid with weight growth. Sabudana, which is high in carbohydrates, promotes the synthesis of vital fat tissues that protect internal organs and guarantee uniform lipid distribution throughout the body. It is especially beneficial for those who are underweight.