Protein, fats, and carbohydrates are the three basic types of nutrients we require, but two of them seem to be regarded as if they only cause problems. There are just too many fallacies flying around about carbohydrates, but the truth is that they are essential macronutrients that our body needs to function.

Carbohydrates, often vilified by those aiming for weight loss, are often misunderstood. While they are not fats like milk products, there are numerous myths and misconceptions surrounding carbs. These misconceptions can lead to confusion about their role in our diet. Carbohydrates encompass a wide range of foods beyond just white bread and pizza.

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Carbs are not the dietary villains they're sometimes portrayed as. Research, like that in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, emphasises the importance of dietary fibre, a type of carbohydrate found in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. This fibre is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight, heart, and digestive system.

In summary, debunking carb myths and incorporating the right ones into your diet is essential for overall health. Here are some facts regarding carbohydrates:

Myth 01: All Carbs Are Unhealthy

Many people begin a diet with the belief that all carbohydrates are bad for you. However, since carbohydrates are one of your body's main sources of energy, restricting your intake of them altogether is a very bad way to diet. Increase your intake of complex, unprocessed carbohydrates, which are nutrient-rich and high in fibre and can help avoid severe heart disease, promote weight loss, and boost energy.

Myth 02: Carbs Are Fattening

The most widespread misconception about carbohydrates is that you must stop eating them in order to lose weight. Completely cutting out carbohydrates causes you to crave things high in sugar since you are depriving your body and brain of their natural source of sugar.

The brain benefits greatly from carbs, and complex carbohydrates help to limit the body's release of glucose, keeping you fuller for longer. While moderation is important, entirely giving it up can be harmful to the body and intestines and is not sustainable in the long run.

Myth 03: Carbs Don't Contain Fibre

Contrary to popular belief, carbohydrates are really one of the main sources of fibre. Although technically a carbohydrate, fibre doesn't turn into sugar when consumed. Instead, it aids in stabilising your body's blood sugar levels. To properly digest meals and absorb nutrients, the body requires the fibre found in whole-grain breads, beans, oats, and a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as apples, cucumbers, and carrots.

Myth 04: Carbs Cause Blood Sugar Spikes

A common criticism of carbohydrates is that they "spike blood sugar." But what exactly does this mean, and is it a terrible thing at all? It is true that consuming carbohydrates increases your blood's level of glucose. For some people, this may be a challenge that requires resolution. If you fall into such a category, you are already aware of it and have access to the necessary medical information.

It really isn't an issue for anyone else. Unless you are pre-diabetic, "postprandial hyperglycemia" (blood sugar surge after eating) is natural and of little concern. Those brief surges in blood sugar are safe if you maintain a balanced, healthy diet and engage in frequent exercise.

Myth 05: Carbs Make You Sleepy And Sluggish

The idea that eating too many carbohydrates will make you feel lethargic and unproductive is a prevalent one. We are all aware that carbohydrates are converted by our bodies into energy to power our daily activities. It is therefore absurd to fully deny your body one of its main sources of energy.

You could think about portioning your meal a little more carefully if you frequently fall into a "food coma" after eating. For instance, you might have skipped breakfast, which led to a heavy lunch, which caused your body to feel exhausted as it worked to digest everything you had just eaten.