Living in cities with easy access to everything, including work-from-home setups and food delivery services, can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and excessive consumption of carbohydrates without much exercise or awareness of their addictive nature or the subsequent withdrawal symptoms that follow when you try to ween off them. 

Carbohydrate addiction may not be recognised as a formal diagnosis in the same way as alcohol or drug addiction. However, some individuals may struggle with compulsive overeating or emotional eating, which can involve a significant dependence on carbohydrates and lead to obesity. It is a legitimate phenomenon supported by research, demonstrating parallels to drug addiction. The brain's pleasure and reward centres constantly seek the next "high" or feel-good moment, akin to sugar addiction.  

Deciding to eliminate your beloved carbs, despite their deliciousness and negative health effects, may prove to be a tough endeavour, and just like other de-addiction processes, it starts with detoxification. Just like alcohol and drug addiction, carbohydrate addiction can lead to cravings and withdrawal symptoms when it is reduced or eliminated from the diet. From experiencing mood swings, a foggy mind, and headaches to battling the urge to give in during detoxification, carb-withdrawal journeys can be difficult and demanding. However, with proper planning, it can be effectively managed.  

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What Happens When You Eliminate Carbohydrate Intake From Your Diet?  

Reducing carbohydrate intake in your diet brings several changes to your body. Blood sugar levels, if they are too high, stabilise as carb consumption decreases, avoiding spikes and crashes. Fat becomes the primary source of energy, leading to increased fat burning and potential weight loss. Severe carb restriction can induce ketosis, where the liver produces ketones as an alternative fuel for the brain and muscles.  

Appetite control improves as carb-related hunger and cravings diminish. Insulin sensitivity may improve, benefiting those with insulin resistance or diabetes. Lowering carb intake has been linked to weight loss, improved blood lipids, better blood pressure control, and other health benefits. However, it is important to consult a professional before making major dietary changes.  

"If the low-carb diet routine is strictly followed, it might be possible to ween off carb-withdrawal cravings and symptoms in 12 to 14 days. But these two weeks are crucial, as the cravings are very difficult to overcome. "The first month of starting any detoxification programme, especially for overweight people, is mostly about losing excessive fat and battling carbohydrate withdrawal symptoms," says Sachin Adiga, a health coach.  

Headaches And Dizziness

According to WebMD, when you reduce carbohydrate intake, your body enters a state called ketosis, where it switches to using fat as its main source of energy instead of glucose from carbs. This is the primary aim of a ketogenic diet, which emphasises high fat and low carbs.

During the transition to ketosis, you may experience symptoms like headaches and fatigue, known as the "keto flu." However, these symptoms can improve over time, and some people find that low-carb diets can help alleviate chronic headaches, including migraines. To manage carb-withdrawal symptoms like headaches and weakness, you can try drinking lime juice mixed with salt and water twice a day.

"Some of the carb-withdrawal symptoms include a mild headache and tiredness. The total amount of liquid within the blood vessels decreases when people are on a low-carbohydrate and low-calorie diet, due to which the blood pressure might drop and cause headaches, weakness, light-headedness, etc. To replenish and avoid discomforts, taking lime juice with 1 teaspoon of lime juice and salt each for a 300 ml glass of water should help manage them well," says Smriti Saini, a nutritionist and health coach, adding, "Taking it twice a day can help with carb-withdrawal symptoms. Remember to sip on it slowly for over 10–15 minutes instead of gulping it down, as that might cause sudden loose motions."

Mood Swings And Brain Fog

You may experience mood swings and feel irritable and moody, especially in the initial stages of reducing carbs. However, long-term effects on mood may actually be positive, with some studies suggesting a link between low-carb diets and reduced depression and anxiety.

Furthermore, reducing carb intake can also lead to brain fog for the first few days, as the brain relies on glucose from carbs for energy. This can cause mental confusion and a lack of focus, especially during the initial phase of carbohydrate reduction. But in a few days, you will get over these symptoms as your body adjusts to the new diet routine.

Smelly Breath And Body Aches

Smelly breath, as ketones produced during ketosis can cause an unpleasant odour, and potential difficulties with bowel movements due to reduced fibre intake Including low-carb vegetables high in fibre can help address this issue. As for the body aches, staying hydrated, maintaining electrolyte balance, and avoiding strenuous exercise can help alleviate these symptoms  

Don't Go Hungry: Plan your meals and incorporate regular low-carb snacks to avoid prolonged periods of hunger. Well-timed snacks can help prevent cravings and keep you feeling satisfied throughout the day.  

Plan Your Meals Creatively: Explore tasty low-carb recipes and menu ideas to make your meals enjoyable. Incorporate your favourite foods with carb-friendly adjustments to keep your diet interesting and varied.  

Manage Stress: Making dietary changes can be stressful, so it's essential to take care of your mental well-being. Find activities that relax you and bring you joy, such as taking a bath, going for a walk, or indulging in hobbies you enjoy.  

Seek Support: Connect with others who are on a low-carb diet for support, advice, and motivation. Join online communities or find local groups where you can share experiences and learn from others. "My friend accompanied me when I went for a 10-day detoxification therapy. It made a big difference to have company while battling cravings and other carbohydrate-withdrawal symptoms together. My friend helped me stay distracted, which took my mind off the cravings during those 10 days," says Preethi Kumar, apparel designer at Future Lifestyle Fashion Ltd.  

Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is important for overall health and can also help reduce feelings of hunger. Infusing water with fruits or herbs or opting for calorie-free, sparkling drinks can make hydration more enjoyable.  

During days 3 to 5, be aware of the possibility of a "low-carb crash." If you experience symptoms like fatigue, shakiness, or irritability, it may be beneficial to add a small amount of high-quality carbs to your diet, such as low-carb fruit. Monitor your reactions closely and make adjustments accordingly.  

As you reach days 5 to 14, you may start experiencing the benefits of a low-carb diet, such as increased energy and reduced cravings. Congratulate yourself on the progress you've made and stay motivated to continue your journey.  

Remember, everyone's experience is unique, and it's essential to listen to your body and adjust your approach accordingly. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can also provide personalised guidance and support during this process.