Eid-Ul-Fitr is probably one of the biggest festivals that is celebrated with much aplomb across the world. On Tuesday, many of our Bollywood actors also rang in the festivities in style. While Soha Ali Khan And Kunal Kemmu, used up their vermicelli to prepare delish Sheer Khurma, Malaika Arora gave us a sneak peek into her lavish Eid feast, on her table we spotted a tray full of biryani, mirchi ka salan, dal, papad, chillies and what not. Actress Gauhar Khan also was seen serving her guests some drool worthy biryani and kebabs. Bipasha Basu and husband Karan Singh Grover went over TV Actor Aamna Sharif’s, later Bipasha gave us a glimpse of some of the “Eid Yumminess” too on her Instagram stories.  In the spread we could see a bowl of biryani, mutton curry, dal and many more such festive delicacies.

It seems like biryani was a favourite across all Eid feasts that our Bollywood actor posted about, and why should it not. The one-pot meal layered with rice, meat and spices is so flavourful after all. When you have biryani in front of you, you need little else to jazz up your fare. The word biryani is said to have come from two Persian words, Biriyan (fried before cooking) and Birinj (rice). While the dish is not native to India, and only came to Indian shores somewhere in the medieval era, the way desis have adapted to Biryani is truly telling about our love for the same.  

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  • Now, biryanis can be of many kinds. It could comprise meat, fish, prawns and even paneer. One of our all-time favourites is the classic mutton biryani, and here are some stealworthy-tips and recipe to make restaurant-style mutton biryani at home.  
  • It is a good idea to soak the rice grains for at least 30 minutes, prior to cooking, this will ensure that your rice does not come out sticky in the end.
  • When you are boiling the rice, you can boil it with whole spices so that they are even more fragrant and flavoursome.
  • Use only long-grain basmati rice, since short-grain ones are starchy, they will stick together.  
  • Sautee cooked rice in desi ghee for 5-6 minutes in heavy bottom pan, then cook slowly with meat.  
  • Try and cook the rice and meat separately.
  • Marinate meat well for at least 3-4 hours before cooking it with rice.
  • Do not overcook the rice, it should be only parboiled, or 70 percent done. Then cook it with meat.  

Here’s a delish recipe of mutton biryani that you can try at home. Do let us know how you liked it.