This is the season of going on adventurous camping trips. All through the year, ever travel enthusiast waits patiently for the winters to arrive so that they can go on treks, camping sites and do activities that are impossible in the summer heat. Going camping is a novel experience in itself that teaches you basic survival skills. If your year-end plans include camping - let us tell you that food is going to be a huge part of it as in most probability, your group or you will have to cook for yourself. So, here are some easy campfire dishes that you can make in the middle of wilderness. Note the recipes down and thank us later!


Now, this is one dish that does not need any special recipe. Anyone and everyone can make maggi according to their own taste. From tadka maggi, to anda maggi and from cheese maggi to chicken maggi – this noodle dish has our heart in every form. It is also a very minimal effort dish, which in its original form just needs the instant noodle packet and hot water. And although the 5 minutes claim might be contested by many, what is primary is it does take very less time to get ready. So, enjoy your bowl of maggi if you do not how to cook anything at all. 

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Chicken skewers

This is a great campfire dish for non-vegetarians. Chicken is a lean meat which gets cooked easily. It just requires some good marination and your skewers will turn out perfectly fine. Just grill the chicken cubes with some veggies and you either have your favourite starter or even a part of the main course! Click below for the recipe.

Loaded Nachos

This easy, filling and delicious dish is just a game of assembling and putting together the ingredients. Take a big, a huge pan and just throw in your nachos, veggies, beans, sauces and cheese. What you get is one of the most fulfilling loaded nacho dishes, with the right amount of crisp and right amount of sauce.


Again, an amazing dish that can be put together in minutes, depending upon how lavish you want the dish to be. You can make plain butter and jelly sandwiches or go all out and grill veggies or meat to make some loaded , heavy ones. It totally depends upon the campers’ mood and availability of ingredients. Sandwiches can be made in large batches too for a big camp party, so that is another advantage.

So, these are some basic dishes you can try while camping out. Some other equally easy dishes include boiled eggs, cucumber salad or jhal muri. Making these easy breezy dishes will definitely make your camping experience better.