Bollywood actor Ananya Panday is currently on a super hectic schedule, thanks to the promotional tour of her upcoming film Liger, alongside South Indian actor Vijay Deverakonda. The two are on the road, hopping from one city to another. If you follow Ananya and Vijay on social media, you would know how both the actors are attending different events at all times. Ananya, who is a regular social media user, keeps updating her fans about her activities in real-time on Instagram, which also features glimpses of all her foodie moments too.
Now if you know Ananya, you’d know her love for food too. And given the busy schedule, she is hardly getting any time to unwind for a lavish meal. But turns out, the foodie in her has maximised the opportunity of being in different cities, and turned it into a food trail. Well, we told you how both the actors were relishing a traditional Gujarati thali when they were in Vadodara. Next stop was Kochi, where they gorged on authentic Sadya, and then on filter coffee in Bengaluru.
The duo has now reached Lucknow, and no points for guessing what the actors would be gorging on next. The popular Tunday Kababs. Taking to her Instagram stories, Ananya shared a Boomerang video of her opening a box from the famous eatery ‘Tunday Kababi’. We could spot two melt-in-mouth kebabs inside the box.
Tunday Kababi is one of the oldest eateries in Lucknow, which is said to have started in 1905. They are known to be the first ones to introduce galouti kebabs to the common people. The place is synonymous with the ‘city of nawabs’. No wonder the foodie in Ananya couldn’t resist herself from gorging on their kebabs. Take a look of the screengrab from the video that she posted:
“Honey I’m home”, wrote Ananya along with the Boomerang and tagged Lucknow in location. And we are already drooling looking at it. But the kebabs aren’t the only thing Ananya noshed on the same day. While on the way to Lucknow, Ananya was also caught devouring what looked like a tubful of strawberry cheesecake. That too early in the morning, while on the way in a chartered plane. In a video, shared by her on social media, we could see her taking a spoonful of cake from the tub and gobbling it down, as Vijay captured it all on camera. “Cake for breakfast - life on the road”, she captioned the video, while tagging Vijay as the “DOP”. Take a look at the screengrab: