Korean teas, deeply rooted in traditional practices, have transcended time, evolving into a treasure trove of flavours that not only tantalise the taste buds but also nurture the body and mind. In the pursuit of a holistic approach to health, these teas have gained prominence for their therapeutic properties and cultural significance.

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Korea's tea culture boasts a profound history, with roots dating back thousands of years. Influenced by Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, Korean tea ceremonies became a vital aspect of social and spiritual life, embodying principles of balance, mindfulness, and harmony. The cultivation of tea plants, meticulous harvesting techniques, and brewing rituals have been passed down through generations, creating a unique and intricate tapestry of tea culture.

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From famous bori-cha to yuja-cha, here are seven Korean teas you can try for a new experience and claim the goodness each holds.


Bori-Cha, a traditional Korean tea, offers a healthful blend of flavours and wellness benefits. Crafted from roasted barley, this caffeine-free infusion boasts a nutty essence with subtle caramel undertones. Rich in antioxidants, Bori-Cha supports digestion and metabolism. Its preparation involves toasting barley grains, imparting a comforting aroma. Brewed to perfection, it delivers a soothing experience, making it a popular choice for its holistic qualities. 


Derived from the vibrant omija berries, also known as magnolia berries, it offers a harmonious mix of sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and pungent notes. Laden with antioxidants, it promotes vitality and strengthens the immune system. The tea includes dried omija berries, often infused with honey or sugar, creating a well-rounded taste. To prepare, simply steep the berries in hot water. Embrace the invigorating essence of Omija-Cha, an ancient elixir celebrated for both its taste and wellness attributes.

Yeonip Tea

Yeonip tea, a traditional Korean herbal infusion, boasts a rich history and exceptional health benefits. Crafted from the leaves of the native Yeonip plant or Lotus leaves, this tea offers a delightful combination of earthy flavours. Packed with antioxidants,vitamin B, calcium, and potassium, it is known to support immune health and provide a natural energy boost. Known for aiding digestion and promoting relaxation, yeonip tea is not only a delicious beverage but also a holistic addition to one's wellness routine.


Memil-cha, a Korean tea crafted from roasted buckwheat, is a health elixir steeped in tradition. Rich in nutty flavours, this caffeine-free brew offers a toasty warmth and earthy aroma. Packed with antioxidants, it supports heart health and may aid digestion. Memil-cha's gluten-free nature and essential amino acids make it a wholesome choice. To prepare, simply steep roasted buckwheat kernels in hot water. Elevate your well-being with each sip, as Memil-cha not only delights the palate but also nurtures a healthier lifestyle.


Yulmu-cha, a traditional Korean tea, boasts a harmonious blend of flavours and numerous health benefits. Crafted from the roasted Job's Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi) plant, it offers a nutty, earthy taste with hints of sweetness. Rich in antioxidants, fibre, and essential minerals, Yulmu-cha may support digestion, boost immunity, and promote radiant skin. Its caffeine-free nature makes it a soothing choice for any time of day. Simple to prepare, this invigorating tea involves steeping roasted Yulmu powder in hot water, delivering a comforting beverage that nurtures both body and soul.


Yuja-cha, a Korean tea made from yuja, or citron, is a delightful infusion renowned for its health benefits and unique flavours. Packed with vitamin C, it boosts immunity and aids digestion. The tea's vibrant citrus notes bring a refreshing zing, making it a soothing yet invigorating experience. To prepare, simply mix yuja marmalade with hot water, adjusting sweetness to taste. Beyond its taste, Yuja-cha is a wellness elixir, promoting overall well-being with each comforting sip, and capturing the essence of Korean tea culture.


Daechu-cha, a Korean tea made from dried jujubes, is a delightful infusion with a myriad of health benefits. Rich in natural sweetness, this tea offers a comforting blend of fruity and caramel-like flavours. Packed with antioxidants, it promotes immune health and aids digestion. The infusion process involves steeping dried jujubes in hot water, allowing the sweet essence to permeate.