Bipasha Basu is currently in Goa, enjoying a family holiday with husband Karan Singh Grover and her daughter, Devi. The Bollywood actor is a self-confessed foodie and has always shared her culinary pursuits with her fans and followers. Her holiday in Goa is no different. 

In a recent Instagram story, the actor has posted a video of a cup of steaming masala chai with the caption, 'Peaceful Goa Mornings.' She seems to be enjoying this refreshing beverage by the pool at a resort in Goa, which is definitely giving off major vacation vibes.

The actor, known for her work in films like Corporate and Raaz, also posted another story a day earlier simply captioned 'High tea.' The video features a high tea stand filled with finger sandwiches, watermelons, buns, pastries, tarts and other lip-smacking sweet treats which are perfectly indulgent delights for tea-time on a holiday.

Bipasha has previously shared glimpses of the delicious foods she enjoys including the luscious mango cake she cut for her wedding anniversary and a lovely Bengali spread prepared by her mother that was made up of rice, aloo bhaja, mongsho and lots more. Now, she is enjoying a delectable high tea comprising yummy finger foods. Tell us in the comments below what your favourite high tea snack is and whether you too, enjoy finger sandwiches, just like Bipasha!

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