In addition to performing, actor Bhumi Pednekar enjoys travelling and eating, as seen by her social media accounts. At the beginning of this month, Bhumi and her sister Samiksha Pednekar enjoyed a happy trip to Paris, France. She shared a clip of some of the mouthwatering meals she had while travelling on her Instagram account. You can see that she gorged herself on buttery, flaky croissants. A dessert that looks like an ice cream sandwich with liquid chocolate sprinkled on top is shown after Bhumi is seen in the video, along with dipping a fresh croissant in her frothy coffee and taking a huge mouthful.

She is also shown going for a glamorous cocktail night, posing with a drink of what appears to be an espresso martini, dancing while sitting and eating with her company at dinner, and sniffing the croissants like a real foodie. Bhumi provided views of the stunning Eiffel Tower and the lovely sky in addition to the delicious sweets.

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Pednekar has been fully immersing herself in the vibrant atmosphere and rich culture of Paris, from wandering along the Seine River to indulging in delicious pastries at charming cafés. Her Instagram page has photos of famous sites like the Louvre Museum and the Eiffel Tower, perfectly encapsulating the spirit of the romantic city.

Her vacation outfits were also revealed to her admirers, and she looked fierce in a gorgeous black jumpsuit adorned with a few accessories. Bhumi has always been someone who enjoys her food and her Instagram account has never failed to showcase that. Prior to her journey to Paris, Bhumi had been to Geneva, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leader induction.

Bhumi shared a slew of Instagram stories on her trip to Switzerland, showing off all the delectable foods she sampled. The real thing was what appeared to be a classic Swiss fondue in the first video. Everyone was salivating at the sight of food dipped in melted cheese. Regarding her career, she has received praise for her roles in critically acclaimed films like Dum Laga Ke Haisha, Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, Bala, Shubh Mangal Saavdhan, and Badhaai Do. Her final appearance was in Bhakshak. The struggle of a resolute lady seeking justice is explored in the movie.