Bhumi Pednekar made most of her downtime from shooting by spending her Diwali at home. Dressed in a simple white saree with gold borders and accessories, the actress shared a glimpse of the festivities that took place in her house, as she spent time with family. While some of the photos she shared showed her posing with her mother, friends and her dogs, she was also seen holding a plate laden with motichoor ladoos, as she leaned against a window.

Bhumi also shared a delicious looking dinner plate that screamed comfort and indulgence – featuring a tandoori roti studded with sesame seeds, methi matar malai, paneer sabzi and a bowl with pindi chhole. Talk about a Diwali meal fit for champions! She captioned the post with lots of sparkle emojis and wished her followers a happy Diwali ‘from mine to yours.’ She appeared to be relaxed and smiling as she decorated nooks of her home with flowers and posed at the entrance with a tray of oil lamps.

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She has also spoken about how she enjoys her Diwali sweets, free from the guilt of indulging in them during the festival. A self-confessed lover of maa ke haath ka khaana, Bhumi also looks forward to her mother’s aate ka halwa that is loaded with ghee and sugar as well as peeking into the many boxes of sweets that are gifted to her each year. A lover of all kinds of Indian food, Bhumi has revealed in the past that she finds joy in digging into a bowl of dal-chawal and aloo ki sabzi. From aloo-gobhi and kadhi to tangy-sweet gol gappas, the actress surely knows her way around all kinds of Indian delicacies!