The festival of lights is now drawing to an end as we mark Govardhan Pooja today. Diwali is traditionally a 5-day affair that starts with Govatsa Dwadashi and ends with Bhai Dooj. According to the Hindu lunisolar calendar, Bhai Dooj is celebrated on the second lunar day of Shukla Paksha in the month of Kartika. This year, Bhai Dooj falls on October 26, 2022, and so we have a reason to keep the excitement alive. Also known as Bhau Beej, Bhatra Dwitiya, Bhai Dwitiya and Bhathru Dwithiya in different regions of the country, Bhai Dooj marks the precious bond between brothers and sisters. On the day, sisters apply tikas on the brother’s forehead, and pray for their health, long-life and prosperity. In return, the brother promises to protect her from evil forces. 

Besides the rituals, what makes Bhai Dooj celebration even more special is the exchange of gifts between the siblings, followed by a grand feast. Most Indian homes, celebrating Bhai Dooj prepares something special and lavish for lunch or dinner to mark the occasion. And if you too are planning to cook something extravagant for your sibling, then fret not; we have got you covered with a full vegetarian menu to mark the festival. 

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1. Chaat Board 

A charcuterie board but with chaat! Interesting, isn’t it? Who doesn’t like to devour some chaats? Especially when it’s festive season. But instead of making just pani puri, dahi bhalla or papdi chaat, why not create a whole board of different chaats! Yes, you read that right. Just like a charcuterie board- which is a display/platter consisting of meats, cheese, some snacks, dressings and a few sweets like figs and dates, a chaat board can have samosas, pani puris and papdi chaats drizzled with a whole lot of chutneys and curd. 

2. Rice Palak Kebab  

Speak of Indian snacks and one just cannot miss kebabs on the list, isn’t it true? Move over regular aloo, paneer or dahi kebabs, and try these wholesome palak kebabs with rice and a whole lot of flavour. Spices like garam masala, jeera, ginger-garlic paste, and pepper make these kebabs a lip-smacking affair. 


Paneer Soda 

Contrary to what most north Indians reading this would think of it as, paneer soda is not made of the paneer that is cottage cheese for many. Paneer or Panneer, here, is another word for rose essence in Tamil. Therefore, this fizzy drink from South India is essentially just a rose-infused soda, which one can easily find in Tamil Nadu. To make this, you simply need to do prepare the rose syrup first. In a pan heat water, sugar, and palm candy, let it come to a boil, the let it simmer. Do this until sugar and water is well combined. Then add some rose essence to this sugar-water mixture, you can also use some rose water or rose petals. Combine everything well. Let it cool down. Enjoy! 

Main Course 

1. Malai Kofta 

A royal treat indeed, malai kofta is definitely one of the most popular dishes at many festive and special occasions in India. A sweet and mildly spicy paneer dish that can be prepared within an hour, malai kofta is an indulgent affair you don’t want to miss. You can enjoy it with rice, paratha or naan with malai kofta. 

2. Tawa Sabz Pulao 

A perfect dish for any grand celebration, tawa subz pulao is made with different types of winter vegetables like carrot, beans, cauliflower etc. A perfect way to kickstart the winter season, which is right at the cusp, you can top the pulao with some mint leaves and fried onions, and relish. 


Sewayi Parfait 

Move over regular sewaiyan, and try this lovely version served in layers in a glass like a parfait! Topped with whipped cream, this sewayi parfait is one to bookmark for your festive feast.