Actress Bhagyashree who became an overnight sensation with her first film ‘Maine Pyaar Kiya’ opposite Salman Khan in the year 1988, took a sabbatical to look after her family, now that her children are all grown up (her son Abhimanyu is an actor himself), the actress is slowly making her way back in the showbiz. She and her husband participated in Star Plus’ ‘Smart Jodi’. Now that Bhagyashree is also quite active on Instagram, we also know that she is quite a foodie. Every so often, she takes to the photosharing app to share some of her own recipes. Remember how during the Navratri, she posted a video of her cooking healthy Sabudana Khichdi? On Tuesday, the actress did not post the entire recipe, but she did give us a sneak peek into what she was cooking for dinner. It was the Maharashtrian dish Pav Bhaji. In the caption of her Instagram stories, that featured the Bhaji in cooking, she wrote “Made pavbhaji for tonite’s dinner”.  Bhaji, for the uninitiated, is a hot, tangy and irresistible vegetable curry, in which vegetables like potatoes, onions, carrots, chillies, peas, bell peppers and tomatoes are smashed together until they blend into one wholesome red-coloured curry.  

It is a very popular street food across Maharashtra. Even beyond Maharashtra, you would find many street food stalls offering fresh Bhaji with Pav, a small, puffy, square-shaped bread. Pavs are usually roasted with butter on the same gigantic pan where the bhaji is being made. Legend has it it that Pav Bhaji originated as a quick, lunchtime dish for textile mill workers in Mumbai, and soon became a city-wide sensation. 

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Maharashtra is actually renowned for its rich cuisine and street food culture. There’s so much to relish beyond the standard Pav Bhaji and the Vada Pav. Here are 3 Maharashtrian dishes you can try making for dinner soon.  

1. Misal Pav

Misal is a runny, but fiery curry made with Misal or Moth beans. It is topped with heaps of chopped onions and sev. Misal is also usually paired with pav and makes for one wholesome fare.  

2. Sabudana Khichdi

This light and soothing khichdi is nothing like your Moong Dal Khichdi. All you need to do here is soak the tapioca balls until they are puffed up and spongy and then cook it with a little bit of oil, chillies, curry leaves, salt and pepper. It is an ideal Vrat dish for sure, but it spells magic even on regular days.  

3. Zunka Bhakri

Zunka is a chickpea flour base curry and with a tempering of fried onions, mustard seeds. This thick and delicious curry is paired with Bhakri, a firm Maharastrian bread. This rustic, traditional meal is supposed to be very filling and energetic, especially for those who are involved in work that requires physical labour.  

Try these recipes soon and let us know which ones you liked the best.