Janhvi Kapoor has been making long strides in her career as an actress since she started with her debut movie, Dhadak. She has proven that her future in Bollywood is bright with her latest release, Bawaal, alongside Varun Dhawan. Not just her acting, but her overall looks and her fitness are constant causes of curiosity amongst everyone. But the truth is that the actress maintains her body with a very simple diet and a regular workout routine. Let us look at what the actress generally eats in a day.

Janhvi starts her day with a spoonful of pure desi cow ghee. This is one morning ritual that she has not changed for years because she believes it has many health benefits. Sometimes, she also has bullet coffee, which is black coffee with ghee in it. Like most of us, she believes that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So, she prefers having fresh fruits or fruit juices to begin her day on a healthy note. But the Punjabi in her has paratha with curd once in a while too! In a conversation with Bianca Saurastri from Curly Tails, she also revealed her love for South Indian food, especially Andhra Cuisine.

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Janhvi prefers home-cooked meals for lunch, which usually consist of gluten-free rotis and a variety of different seasonal sabzi like bhindi, palak, or methi. She also likes dal and likes to try different varieties of it. She usually adds protein in the form of paneer or chicken. For dinner, Janhvi keeps it simple and has either a light salad or red rice biryani, again, made at home. She makes sure she does not skip any meals and finishes eating her last meal by 10 PM.

Recipe  - Vijayalakshmi Venkateshan

An occasional chef, Janhvi cooks special dishes when she gets the time. According to an article on OTT Play, Janhvi is also a huge fan of Korean food. She was a guest on a cooking show where she cooked two authentic Korean dishes: Tofu Bibimbap and Haemul Pajeon. Other than that, the actress enjoys making loaded nachos as well.

When it comes to her workout routine, she is commonly spotted outside her gym, where she focuses on pilates and cardio. A great dancer, Janhvi loves to dance while working out in the form of zumba. Her post-workout meal is usually dry fruits and a special snack, which is sweet potato paratha, as it energises the body. On cheat days, the starlet is a full-time foodie and enjoys eating all types of desserts like cake, ice cream, halwa, and everything sweet! So, if you want a body like hers, this is precisely what you can eat daily. But keep in mind that what works for one person does not and cannot work for everyone. Janhavi’s fitness is a combined result of her diet, exercise, and lifestyle.