Bathing, while vastly functional as a daily activity, also has its own benefits apart from maintaining hygiene. When we take a leaf out of ancient Ayurvedic rituals, bathing with infused water was often encouraged as the medicinal herbs and flora often possessed various healing properties for external and internal bodily functions. Using hibiscus petals, neem leaves, rosemary, rose petals and citrus peels were often associated with a sense of holistic well-being and considered to be a great way to practice self-care. Here are seven health benefits of bathing with herbal waters. 

Relieves Stress

Herbal bath water can help you relax and reduce stress since herbs like lavender, chamomile, and rosemary have calming properties that can soothe your nerves and promote a sense of tranquillity. Infusing herbs in warm water allows the process of natural oils to be extracted into the water, which release aromas and calm down the nervous system.

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Improved Sleep

Taking a warm herbal bath before bedtime has been known to improve sleep quality. Botanicals like lavender, valerian root and manjishta are known for their sleep-inducing properties and can help you unwind and fall asleep faster. While taking a bath before bedtime is highly advised even in general, using herb-infused water to bathe can ensure that your muscles are fully relaxed, just in time for bed.

Skin Health

Certain herbs, such as neem, chamomile and rose petals, can soothe irritated skin and promote a healthy complexion. Herbal bath water can help alleviate skin conditions like eczema and dryness, while also enabling soft and supple skin, without depriving it of its natural skin oils.

Muscle Relaxation

Epsom salt baths, when combined with herbs like peppermint or eucalyptus, can relieve muscle tension and soreness. This is especially true in the case of people who engage in frequent physical activity – that make cause the muscles to strain and remain tense. The minerals present in Epsom salts are absorbed through the skin, relaxing muscles and reducing inflammation.


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Some herbs like dandelion and nettle, have detoxifying properties. Bathing in herbal water can assist your body in eliminating toxins through the skin, promoting overall detoxification. Adding some ginger to your bath water, also raises body temperature and encourages sweating – the body’s natural way of expelling toxins. 


Herbal bath water provides a natural form of aromatherapy as inhaling the scents of herbs like mint, rosemary or citrus can uplift your mood, improve mental clarity and enhance your overall well-being. Using additional aromatics like a few drops of lemon balm and rose essence oil in warm bath water has been known to provide relief from headaches and congestions.

Improved Circulation

Certain herbs, such as ginger and cayenne pepper, can promote blood circulation, help improve blood flow, warm your body as well as relieve cold-related symptoms. A herbal bath that is specifically had with the intention of improving blood circulation is especially beneficial for those suffering from ailments like gout or rheumatoid arthritis.