In the run-up to the Ram Mandir consecration in Ayodhya on January 22, all eyes are on the temple city of Uttar Pradesh and in a new development, they have one more feather to add to their cap. The famed Hanumangarhi ‘Laddu’ has been awarded a prestigious Geographical Indicator (GI) tag, which solidifies its legacy

Video Credits: Your Food Lab/YouTube

The locally-made laddus are crafted from gram flour and desi ghee and are prepared for the bhog ceremony dedicated to Lord Hanuman at the Hanuman Garhi temple. The production of these laddus provides employment to around 200 residents of Ayodhya and it isa estimated that 20-25 quintals of the sweet are made every day.

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The Geographical Indication (GI) tag is a certification that highlights specific qualities or characteristics inherent in a product, distinguishing it from others and is a laborious application process. This push for a GI Tag status was spearheaded by Padma Shri Rajnikant, a Geographical Indication (GI) tag expert based in Varanasi who is responsible for filing over 215 applications for Indian products across the nation and diligently pursued the GI tag for the cherished Hanumangarhi Laddu

The Hanumangrahi Laddu is among esteemed company as other sweets, temple foods and prasad have previously been awarded this honour. The Bandar Laddu from the port of Bandar won a GI tag in 2018, and the Palani Panchamirtham of the Palani Murugan Temple in Tamil Nadu are among some of the 300+ Indian products to be GI recognised. 

Among the many projects that Ayodhya has seen over the last few years in terms of infrastructure development and beautification in preparation for the consecration ceremony in January, this new GI Tag is an additional honour to enjoy.