The daughter of veteran actor, Suneil Shetty, Athiya Shetty frayed into Bollywood in the year 2014 with her debut in Hero, a romantic drama. She was appreciated for her performance and also received accolades for the same. Apart from this, Athiya Shetty is often seen with her rumoured boyfriend and cricketer, KL Rahul vacationing together. One thing about this new-age actress that not many people know is that she is a foodie at heart. Right from the day we saw her celebrating KL Rahul’s birthday with a lavish Sunday breakfast to gorging on spaghetti alfredo and lemon meringue pie, we knew that she’s a true foodie. 

The 29-year old Indian actress has also given us some amazing performances in comedy-dramas like Mubarkan opposite Arjun Kapoor. But it is her food-loving instinct that gets to us each time. Sometime back, we discovered that she likes to eat avocado when she posted a half-eaten avocado toast on her stories. In fact, during a Q and A, we revealed that she loves to eat Rajma Chawal and strawberry ice cream. This time, we know which fruit is ruling her heart. It is none other than mango, the king of fruits. The rich and pulpy fruit is a summer season special and a lot of people are enjoying it currently. So is Athiya Shetty. 

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She posted a story on her Instagram handle with a boomerang of an orange dessert. While the base was that of a sponge cake, we could see some whipped cream slathered on top of it. Finally, she pours some pulpy mango juice over it. Although we can’t really make out which dessert is she devouring, we are surely drooling over it and would want you to take a look too. Here’s what she was having. 

Source: Screengrab of Instagram Stories/Athiya Shetty 

Since mangoes are in season, here are some mango desserts that you can also make at home. 

1.  Mango Panacotta 

A light and refreshing dessert made with the goodness of mangoes, panacotta is a popular Italian sweet meat. Fresh heavy cream is whipped along with mango puree, vanilla essence, sugar and milk and a delicious dessert is ready. Garnished with chopped mangoes, this dessert is perfect for summers. 

2.  Mango Gooey Cake 

This is a super-easy dessert that can be tried at home. Ready in a jiffy and hassle-free manner, the mangoes are mixed with the yellow cake mix. Egg, butter and condensed milk is added to the cake and all of this is mixed together to offer a delightful, moist and soft cake. 

3.  Mango Pudding 

A gooey and creamy dessert, that is thick and sweet, the mango pudding is a favourite after-meal sweet. While pudding can be made with a lot of things, it is the fruity pudding that has great taste. Mangoes are chopped and dunked into the pudding along with evaporated milk and castor sugar. This seasonal fruit adds a richness and sweetness to the sweetmeat like no other.