Vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants can be added to your diet in a healthy way by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Despite not needing any special produce washes, you should wash produce before eating it to reduce the risk of food poisoning. But ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been a lot of articles published that suggest washing fresh produce in more aggressive ways before eating it, leaving some people to wonder if water is sufficient.
Whether there is a pandemic or not, washing fresh produce thoroughly is an excellent habit to adopt to reduce the consumption of potentially dangerous residues and bacteria. Before you buy fresh produce at the grocery store or farmers market, it is handled by a number of people. The best course of action is to presume that not all hands that handled fresh vegetables were clean.
It's also reasonable to suppose that most of the fresh produce you buy has been sneezed, coughed, and breathed on due to the influx of humans into these surroundings. Before you eat fresh produce, make sure to thoroughly wash it to remove any residues that may have accumulated on it during the trip to your kitchen.
When it comes to food safety and healthy hygiene, washing fresh produce in cool water before eating is a healthy practice.
Keep in mind that you shouldn't wash fresh vegetables until you're about to eat it. Fruits and vegetables should be washed before storing to reduce the likelihood of bacterial growth.
Before touching any produce, wash your hands, and then rinse the food under cold, running tap water. Usually, five to ten seconds will do, as long as you're coating the entire surface of the produce item. Rinsing gets rid of the dirt, dust, and any microbiological contamination they could have. Though general recommendations are the same for conventional and organic produce, washing aids in the removal of some possible surface pesticides.
Cut away any blemished or obviously rotting portions of the fresh produce first. Wash the fruit or vegetable you're touching before peeling it, such as orange, to stop any surface bacteria from getting inside the flesh.
Brushing fruits and vegetables with clean, soft bristles can help remove residue from their pores. This is especially beneficial for root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, and turnips as well as fruits with harder skin like apples, lemons, and pears.
Dry your produce with a fresh paper or cloth towel after thoroughly rinsing it. More delicate produce can be spread out on the towel and gently rolled or patted to dry it without breaking it. Good food hygiene practices are an important healthy habit. Washing fresh food helps reduce the number of residues and surface bacteria that could make you ill.