The fun-loving actress who can charm away anyone with her bold attitude and beautiful looks, Anushka Sharma is a treat to watch on screen. Before tying the knot with former Indian skipper Virat Kohli, Anushka has done amazing work in movies like Dil Dhadakne Do, Harry Met Sejal and Sui Dhaga. Her career started with her debut film, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi opposite Shah Rukh Khan. If you thought that this chirpy Indian actress only loves acting, you may be wrong. Her second love is food. The hard-core foodie, Anushka has always been very proactive is voicing her opinions as well as her love for food on social media. The actor-turned-mom keeps her followers in loop of what she’s having and where. 

We remember how she gorged on a plate of dosa in Cape Town and that smile right after. The bonafide foodie loves to try out new cuisines. One day, you’ll see her having some Sindhi food and the next day she would be gulping down some panta bhaat from Bengal. She loves to eat Maharastrian food too. Being such a complete foodie, we wonder how she manages to maintain her perfect body. Seems like she has shared her secret with us. Pancakes. Oh yes, don’t be surprised. The Band Baja Baraat actress like to have pancakes for breakfast. However, they are the healthy ones. 

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Since the pancakes are dark brown in colour, we assume that they are made from millets or any other healthy flour. Also, they look like chocolate pancakes but given her maintained body, we believe that she is having the former ones. She also tagged @slurrpfarm on the picture that she posted on her Instagram stories yesterday and captioned it as, “Pancakes for the win”. 

Here’s what we are talking about. 

Source: Screengrab of Instagram Stories/Anushka Sharma 

Want to have some pancakes for breakfast today? Here are a few recipes to try. 

1.  English Pancakes 

What’s so special about English pancakes, you ask? The pancakes are fluffy like the usual ones but thin like crepes. They are thin, round and flat and are usually paired with some sweet sauce and whipped cream. Drizzle some strawberry sauce and scoop out some whipped cream on top. 

2.  Mung Bean Pancakes 

These are Korean-style pancakes. Mung beans are a kind of beans that are popular in Korean cuisine. The mung beans are mashed and mixed with flour to make the pancake batter. The pancakes are then poured on a pan and cooked. These are thin, round sheets which are a type of savoury pancake. 

3.  Chocolate Pancakes 

Thick, fluffy and soft, these chocolate pancakes taste heavenly. The pancakes are stacked one on top of another and served with a drizzle of white chocolate sauce. Made with a mix of whole wheat flour and chocolate, the pancakes taste heavenly. Top them with some crushed nuts and these would make for a delicious breakfast treat. Don’t worry, they don’t have too many calories.